Mẫu thiết kế web Homeland - Responsive Real Estate WordPress Theme

Nội dung

current version 2.2.3
Homeland is a responsive and retina ready Real Estate WordPress theme with minimalist approach, flat design and clean. It has two theme layout (fullwidth and boxed style). Widget ready, Custom Page templates, Custom Post Types and more. Compatible on WordPress 4.0

WordPress Plugins

Custom Widgets

Post Format

Custom Post Type

Page Templates

Version 2.2.3 (09-26-2014)
 - ADDED: new option to change google map pointer design - ADDED: new option to hide blog author details  - ADDED: new option for agents (order and sort)  - ADDED: color branding for social icons in header - FIXED: featured properties hide labels if empty  - FIXED: minor issue on child drop down for advance search - UPDATED: dsIDXpress to v2.1.14 - UPDATED: typography shortcodes to v2.0.3  - UPDATED: language localisation files  - UPDATED: documentations  - UPDATED: fontawesome icons to v4.2.0 - UPDATED: tgm plugin activation 
Version 2.2.2 (09-06-2014)
 - FIXED: agent social info when empty - FIXED: index.php file loading issue  - FIXED: minor issues on homepage video layout - FIXED: header 2 issue on sticky header  - UPDATED: contact form 7 to v3.9.3  - UPDATED: to WordPress 4.0  - UPDATED: revolution slider to v4.6  - UPDATED: gmaps jquery file to v0.4.14  - UPDATED: fitvids jquery file to v1.1  - REMOVED: sticky header for mobile viewing 
Version 2.2.1 (08-28-2014)
 - ADDED: lightbox effect for gallery shortcode - FIXED: property single page image slider when loaded - FIXED: localisation for theme options  - FIXED: homepage revolution slider z-index position  - FIXED: advance search pagination minor error for homepage  - FIXED: hide property ID if empty  - UPDATED: dsIDXpress to v2.1.12 - UPDATED: typography shortcodes to v2.0.2 - UPDATED: language localisation files (.mo/.po) 
Version 2.2.0 (08-20-2014)
 - ADDED: property ID options for properties - ADDED: property ID field in advance search - ADDED: dynamic css in php  - ADDED: 10 new built in background patterns  - ADDED: 10 new google web fonts  - ADDED: jQuery theme preloader  - ADDED: background image option for welcome, services and testimonials - FIXED: mls field of dsIDXpress css input width - FIXED: contact form 7 fields border - FIXED: properties default to price sorting  - FIXED: minor issues of advance search price sorting - FIXED: google map in taxonomy pages  - FIXED: homeland child theme  - FIXED: advance search hierarchical structure of selectbox  - FIXED: flexslider hover arrow effect  - FIXED: blog single page gallery post format flexslider  - UPDATED: theme speed - UPDATED: to WordPress 3.9.2 - UPDATED: contact form 7 plugins to v3.9.1 - UPDATED: dsIDXpress to v2.1.11  - UPDATED: property single page ui  - UPDATED: property post type columns in admin area - UPDATED: advance search ui design  - UPDATED: documentations - UPDATED: responsive stylesheet for mobile  - CHANGED: garage icon 
Version 2.1.7 (07-27-2014)
 - ADDED: layout options for property search results (left, 2,3 and 4 cols) - ADDED: spanish translation (.po/.mo) files - ADDED: services fullwidth layout - ADDED: services option in Theme Options  - ADDED: options for latest blog for category display selection - ADDED: google map for properties pages  - FIXED: google map widget when mouse scroll - FIXED: 2 and 3 columns for different homepages bottom style  - FIXED: minor issues on language localisation (.po/.mo) files  - FIXED: contact us page header issue if advance search box is disable  - UPDATED: fontawesome to v4.1.0 - UPDATED: contact form 7 to v3.9 - UPDATED: dsIDXpress to v2.1.9 
Version 2.1.6 (07-08-2014)
 - ADDED: taxonomy page for property location - ADDED: subtitle field in property location taxonomy  - ADDED: agents property count columns in users page (Admin)  - ADDED: to hide excerpt in properties page   - ADDED: new labels for custom post types  - FIXED: masonry issue on blog 3cols and 4 cols page  - FIXED: template-properties.php file  - FIXED: property taxonomy pagination issues  - UPDATED: dsIDXpress plugin to v2.1.7  - UPDATED: language localisation (.po/.mo)  - UPDATED: countdown timer js to version 2.0  
Version 2.1.5 (06-24-2014)
 - ADDED: map only for homepage  - ADDED: custom icons for services list  - ADDED: shortcodes support in widgets - ADDED: new option to hide contact us map - FIXED: map scrollwheel of google map - FIXED: flexslider image loading container  - FIXED: icons if empty values - FIXED: property custom post type save data if 0 value - FIXED: header images height on pages  - UPDATED: language localisation (.po/.mo) 
Version 2.1.4 (06-08-2014)
 - ADDED: options to show/hide login and register button - ADDED: options for login/register url - ADDED: number format options for property pricing (comma, dot and none)  - FIXED: minor issue on jquery ordering for properties page - FIXED: IDX search widget elements  - FIXED: other strings for translations  - FIXED: responsive stylesheet - UPDATED: dsIDXpress plugin to v2.1.6  - UPDATED: theme options for background options  - UPDATED: language localisation (.mo/.po) 
Version 2.1.3 (05-22-2014)
 - ADDED: google map pins in advance search - ADDED: custom fields support for custom post types  - FIXED: agents list in sitemap page  - FIXED: agent role contributor the ability to upload files  - FIXED: auto assign custom fields for pages/posts  - FIXED: shortcodes within shortcodes issue - UPDATED: contact form 7 to 3.8.1 - UPDATED: typography shortcode to v2.0.1 - UPDATED: save post/pages custom fields 
Version 2.1.2 (05-12-2014)
 - ADDED: property left sidebar template  - ADDED: background colour option in theme options  - FIXED: css issue for follow us widget sidebar  - FIXED: minor background options issue  - FIXED: mobile header minor issues 
Version 2.1.1 (05-09-2014)
 - FIXED: css minor issue for register button in chrome  - FIXED: message sent label auto hide issue  - FIXED: property order/sort in homepage  - FIXED: css code for search icon button  - FIXED: google analytics footer issue  - FIXED: agent contact form in single property page  - UPDATED: typography shortcodes to v2.0.0 - UPDATED: to WordPress 3.9.1 
Version 2.1.0 (04-21-2014)
 - ADDED: coming soon page  - ADDED: custom link option for services list  - ADDED: registration link in header - ADDED: order and sorted options in property page  - ADDED: options to hide property map - ADDED: bedroom and bathrooms select options in Theme Options - FIXED: responsive logo minor issue with css  - FIXED: taxonomy subtitle issue  - FIXED: homepage video in boxed style - FIXED: homepage advance search hide using other template - UPDATED: to WordPress 3.9  - UPDATED: some text in Theme Options  - UPDATED: contact form 7 to v3.8  - UPDATED: social icons width size  - UPDATED: services fontawesome icons when click - UPDATED: documentations - UPDATED: language localisation 
Version 2.0.3 (04-14-2014)
 - ADDED: homepage with video template - FIXED: revolution slider font issue  - FIXED: logo element extra padding  - FIXED: agent pagination minor issue - FIXED: number_format() minor issue - UPDATED: revolution slider to v4.3.5 - UPDATED: documentations 
Version 2.0.2 (04-09-2014)
 - ADDED: google plus social icon  - ADDED: option to hide slider details  - FIXED: agent and author info auto p tag issue  - FIXED: columns in properties custom post type  - FIXED: header title and subtitle for static page when choosing Posts page - FIXED: standard TinyMCE functions in all pages  - FIXED: z-index position in property details when sticky header is enable - FIXED: empty property status background  - FIXED: form checkboxes and radio buttons issue  - UPDATED: advance search fields in Theme Options  - UPDATED: to WordPress 3.8.2  - UPDATED: dsIDXpress plugin to version 2.1.3 
Version 2.0.1 (04-01-2014)
 - ADDED: instagram social icon  - ADDED: IDX search widget into advance search box  - ADDED: options to disable agent forms and other properties - FIXED: agent form (email) in single property page  - FIXED: IDX styles colour scheme  - FIXED: agent top header minor issue  - UPDATED: TGM plugin to current version 2.4.0  - UPDATED: superfish menu dropdown to version 1.7.4  - UPDATED: documentations 
Version 2.0.0 (03-19-2014)
 - ADDED: new option for property sizes (sq. ft, sq. m and acres) - ADDED: new option for property price (months, quarterly, yearly or fixed) - ADDED: new option for property (year built) - ADDED: property link for agent form email - ADDED: blog 4 columns - ADDED: blog list left sidebar  - ADDED: blog grid left sidebar  - ADDED: custom logo and link for login area  - ADDED: option to disable thumbnails in property single page  - ADDED: top sliding bar widget - ADDED: colour option for top sliding bar  - ADDED: automatic comma on prices value  - ADDED: unlimited sidebar plugin (WooSidebars)  - ADDED: IDX listings support  - ADDED: 8 new google web fonts  - ADDED: next/previous link for blog single page - ADDED: google map widget  - ADDED: translation label for advance search  - ADDED: translation label for other pages  - ADDED: the_excerpt option for blog - ADDED: advance search options in Theme Options  - FIXED: variables that has backslashes created  - FIXED: featured listing slider when load  - FIXED: google map slashes minor error  - FIXED: custom CSS code minor issue - FIXED: minor advance search pricing error  - UPDATED: theme options background images  - UPDATED: theme options header images - UPDATED: language localization (.po/.mo)  
Version 1.3.3 (02-28-2014)
 - ADDED: testimonial custom page - ADDED: color option for menu background  - ADDED: fitvids js support - FIXED: undefined issue in advance search - FIXED: header block minor issue - UPDATED: contact form 7 to v3.7.2  - UPDATED: TGM plugin activation 
Version 1.3.2 (02-24-2014)
 - FIXED: footer copyright for link - FIXED: property currency in property single page  - FIXED: template site map custom page text domain issue - UPDATED: comments.php file - UPDATED: language localization 
Version 1.3.1 (02-21-2014)
 - ADDED: selected options in advance search - ADDED: properties comments section optional - ADDED: color scheme for footer background/text - ADDED: cpt header images options - FIXED: image issue in Theme Options  - UPDATED: contact form 7 plugin to new version - UPDATED: documentations - UPDATED: tgm plugin activation 
Version 1.3.0 (02-07-2014)
 - ADDED: facebook like box widget  - ADDED: revslider sample files  - ADDED: tipsy tooltip for single pages (social)  - ADDED: 10 Google Web Fonts  - ADDED: 2 page template (grid and fullwidth) style for blog page  - ADDED: multiple header style options  - ADDED: audio post format support for blog  - ADDED: new options for font family  - FIXED: minor agent error in template-about file  - FIXED: touchTouch lightbox issue in IE9/10/11  - FIXED: post title on singular post  - FIXED: sticky header on template homepage revslider  - FIXED: minor issue on widget-follow-us  - FIXED: password protect for properties single page  - FIXED: widget popular post for audio post format  - UPDATED: contact form 7 to latest version  - UPDATED: typography shortcodes  - UPDATED: tgm activation file  - UPDATED: contact form error border  - UPDATED: functions and header files  - UPDATED: language localization (.po/.mo)  
Version 1.2.1 (01-26-2014)
 - ADDED: property currency in theme options - FIXED: currency dropdown minor issue - FIXED: agents with contributor role - FIXED: container default background  - FIXED: header banner minor issue - UPDATED: to WordPress 3.8.1 - REMOVED: property currency in cpt properties 
Version 1.2.0 (01-23-2014)
 - ADDED: left sidebar page template - ADDED: sitemap page template - ADDED: other portfolio list for single property page - ADDED: google map properties marker for homepage - ADDED: zoom options for google maps - ADDED: taxonomy layout options - ADDED: google map options in homepage  - UPDATED: language localization (.mo/.po) - UPDATED: responsive stylesheet 
Version 1.1.3 (01-20-2014)
 - ADDED: taxonomy page for properties status - ADDED: enable/disable options for advance search - FIXED: js elastislide path for child theme - FIXED: subtitle container when empty - FIXED: default gallery css code for shortcode 
Version 1.1.2 (01-13-2014)
 - ADDED: sticky header option  - ADDED: widget place for top header slider - ADDED: dummy SQL content - FIXED: header background minor issue - FIXED: homepage revolution slider file 
Version 1.1.1 (01-11-2014)
 - FIXED: sidebar advance search widget responsive  - FIXED: agent contact form responsive issue - FIXED: tgm activation file - UPDATED: xml content file 
Version 1.1.0 (01-10-2014)
 - ADDED: twitter widget  - ADDED: contact form for agents  - ADDED: map marker in property single page - ADDED: revolution slider - ADDED: advance search widget  - ADDED: search by location widget - ADDED: search by status widget - ADDED: search by type widget - FIXED: template advance search minor error - FIXED: contact map arrow error - UPDATED: language localization files 
Version 1.0.0 (01-05-2014)
 - Initial Released 


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/homeland-responsive-real-estate-wordpress-theme/6518965?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_r...
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