We specialize in creating WordPress Portfolio themes exclusively for Photographers. We spend a lot of our time talking and listening to photographers all over the world to better understand what exactly photographers need in a portfolio theme. Kameron is the result of this collaboration. We created this theme with everything you need as a photographer, and nothing you don’t! We don’t believe in 100s of shortcodes and features that no-one is going to use! At the same time, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to personalize your site by giving you the features that you can actually use without any wordpress or programming knowledge. We do our best to create usable interfaces and fresh, exciting designs and Kameron is exactly that!
The rest of the images are purchased from Fotolia.com
== Kameron-1.3.1 - Fixed: Android Portrait orientation fix - Fixed: Open links new windows when custom controls ( like Ctrl or Command ) or markup ( target="_blank" ) is used - Updated: Added an unique URL for each gallery image - Fixed: Portfolio title alignment when there is no description - Fixed: Posts are loaded properly with Loading Animation == Kameron-1.3.0 - Fixed: Blockquote colors, font sizes - Updated: Added Password Protected Galleries! == Kameron-1.2.5 - Fixed: Header toggle on touch devices == Kameron-1.2.4 - Updated: Added optional Loading animation - Fixed: Page height calculated properly when using buttons in pages == Kameron-1.2.3 - Fixed: Responsive Header bugs when customized header width == Kameron-1.2.2 - Fixed: Homescreen items sized properly on page load - Fixed: In Fullscreen-Template Custom alignment properties work only when custom alignment is selected - Fixed: Buttons now appear properly - Updated: Completely rewritten Header ( sidebar ) and its animations - Updated: Visually collapse sidebar before loading a gallery - Fixed: Background color customization == Kameron-1.2.1 - Fixed: Scrollerbar color is constant accross axis - Updated: Better gallery sidebar handling - Updated: Added option to force enable/disable sidebar and thumbnails == Kameron-1.2.0 - Updated: Added Pop-up galleries for regular Wordpress Galleries in Posts - Added: WP-JS-Hooks - Updated: Added an option to programmatically disable PJAX via JS - Updated: Scrolling library is automatically refreshed if content is loading too slowly - Fixed: Pricing table title alignment - Updated: Button colors are now customizable - Updated: More "Enter Site" Options + Responsive Fixes - Updated: Fotorama Gallery - Updated: Some performance updates for the Gallery - Updated: Improved scrolling with Keyboard Arrows! - Fixed: Stop autoplay on Touch - Fixed: No more "flashing descriptions" - Updated: Align Featured Images to Center - Fixed: Post information controls work in both post lists and single posts - Updated: Add option to disable post date - Updated: Open portfolio entries when clicked anywhere in the entry description == Kameron-1.1.2 - Fixed: Theme Options == Kameron-1.1.1 - Fixed: Open gallery on click if descriptions disabled and Gallery is enabled == Kameron-1.1.0 - Added: Optionally add custom selectors to disable PJAX - Updated: Prevent NGG Gallery breaking the theme - Updated: Restored Gallery Mouse Timeout - Updated: Prettify Titles after navigating ( Decode HTML in Page Titles ) - Updated: Admin Gallery UI and Improved Galleries == Kameron-1.0.5 - Fixed: Menu is closing properly in the latest FireFox - Fixed: Top & Bottom Border positioned properly - Updated: Move Scroll Notification in it's own template ( for Developers ) - Fixed: Image Block Admin UI - Updated: Remove "Redux Demo Mode" == Kameron-1.0.4 - Fixed: Scroll notification shouldn't appear in Galleries == Kameron-1.0.3 - Fixed: Always resize gallery properly - Fixed: Closing the gallery will go back to defined Portfolio URL if can't find a previous URL in browser history - Fixed: Gallery sidebar cookies - Fixed: Galleries now work with Admin Bar turned on - Fixed: If neither image nor video is added, don't display the slide... == Kameron-1.0.2 - Updated: Upaded all 3 theme demos - Fixed: Gallery button alignment - Fixed: PJAX Disabled for Inputs & Buttons - Fixed: Menu responsive/regular mode detection == Kameron-1.0.1 - Updated: Completley JavaScript resizing codebase for perfomance! - Fixed: Creating only one style tag in the DOM for JavaScript styles == Kameron 1.0.0 - Initial Release