MINETT is a responsive Drupal 7 theme based on Twitter Bootstrap. This theme has been designed as a pure corporate graphics solution suitable for business, non-profit organizations, website portfolio or product single sites with the support of responsive layout. This template uses the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies.
Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
Layered .PSD of Home Design
Google Web Fonts – Source Sans
Google Web Fonts – Titillium Web
jQuery – http://jquery.com
Twitter Bootstrap – http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap
Font Awesome – http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome
jQuery Isotope – http://isotope.metafizzy.co
FlexSlider 2 – http://flexslider.woothemes.com