If you have any issues with our theme please email us. In most cases we will respond within 24 hours. You can help us speed up by include your theme name, a link to your blog and screenshot if necessary. Our email: themes@thejenyuan.com
Mattison is a clean and minimalistic content focus theme. Packed with over 50 customize options, it is easy to give your blog a personal look.
Responsive design ( looks good on mobile and tablets ) Filter posts Social Feeds Social Icons Google analytics Disqus integration Infinite scrolling Support all post types Adjustable colours ( all elements are adjustable ) Extremely customizable ( over 50 customize options ) If you have any issues with our theme please email us. In most cases we will respond within 24 hours. You can help us speed up by include your theme name, a link to your blog and screenshot if necessary. Our email: themes@thejenyuan.com