- Initial release
- Small bug issues resolved
- Mega menu - Columns added - Support for bbPress added - Small bugs issues fixed - Files that have changed: style.css, functions.php, custom-css.phpImages are NOT included in download package.
- Added option for turning off/on breadcrumbs on any page - Added option to set the submenu of a category to display 4 latest posts - Added option to add icons to menu items - Added option to set main and secondary theme font - Added option to add any Google Font - Added new examples for home page layout - Files that have changed: style.css, functions.php, custom-css.php, header.php, page.php, Settings.txt(import for Option Tree Settings), demoData.xml (new version of our demo export) - Files that have been added: functions/custom-page.php css/font-awesome.min.css, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.eot, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.svg, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff, css/font/FontAwesome.otf
- Added option for having a slider in the Post Section - Added option to set with which post item(position) should the latest post reading start - Files that have changed: style.css, media.css, flexslider.css, map.php, vc_teaser_grid.php, vc_post_section.php, js_composer.css - Files that have been added: images/bg_direction_nav1.png, wpbakery/js_composer/assets/images/post-section.type6.png
- Added support for Worpdress 3.9.x
All images are from Depositphotos. Go check it. Apple product images are from http://www.pixeden.com/.