Mẫu thiết kế web Mercury Business Portfolio Theme by FriendlyThemes

Whether you’re brand new to WordPress or a seasoned pro, Mercury from Friendly Themes caters for you with its incredibly powerful but easy-to-use options panel and ground-breaking ‘real’ WYSIWYG editor. Each blog post, page or portfolio item can be completely unique using the ground-breaking shortcode editor which enables you to build your content visually, rather than having to remember proprietary shortcodes. View the WYSIWYG editor in action

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A theme for WordPress beginners and veterans alike

Whether you’re brand new to WordPress or a seasoned pro, Mercury from Friendly Themes caters for you with its incredibly powerful but easy-to-use options panel and ground-breaking ‘real’ WYSIWYG editor. Each blog post, page or portfolio item can be completely unique using the ground-breaking shortcode editor which enables you to build your content visually, rather than having to remember proprietary shortcodes. View the WYSIWYG editor in action

No longer is your content locked away in inaccessible and visually unappealing code, instead you’re able to curate, design and publish your content right from your WordPress visual editor – just like you should have been able to do all along.

Customer Comments

You guys have developed some of the best backend stuff I have seen for WordPress themes.
MN, 22nd Sept 2011

This theme is amazingly powerful and great for beginners as the WYSIWYG editor is brilliant to use
JB, 18th Sept 2011

v1.2.0 Updated 11th Oct. 2011

v1.1.1 Updated 26th Sept. 2011

v1.1.0 Updated 12th Sept 2011

Industry-leading Admin Options Panel

The Friendly Themes options panel, is an evolved and updated version of settings panels you may have used previously. It incorporates all the functionality you need and so much more including, but not limited to:

3 different types of slider, all accessible on iPhones/iPads

Want a slider on your home page? No problem. Want a choice of sliders on your home page? You got it. Want to be able to put videos, images, audio, text, whizzbangs and doodads in there? We’ve got you covered.

What about on all the other pages on your site? You’ll want to be able to have them on those too, wont you? Of course you do. And you can – no coding necessary, simply click a few buttons, type in some text or upload some images and you are done!

Mobile-and-tablet friendly layouts

Go ahead and resize your browser – check out the way we realign the content to suit the resolution you’re using. Adaptive layouts mean your content is displayed the best possible way regardless of the device or screen size your visitor is using. All of your content is accessible on an iPhone and iPad as well as other handheld devices.

Accordions and Vertical/Horizontal Tabs, too

Yep, all with the click of a few buttons, you can have amazing feature-rich pages without having to do any coding.

Worried about page load times? Don’t be. We only load the code needed to run these amazing features if – and only if – you put them on your page. Super fast pages. Super happy visitors. (It’ll make Google happy, too)

Filterable portfolio

Showcase your amazing work with consummate ease. Each and every one of your portfolio items can have its own unique layout allowing you to show the world just how incredible you are. Your visitors can filter your work by ‘type’ at the click of a button – and it’s just as simple for you to create the ‘types’ – they’re just like tags or categories. No coding necessary.

Shortcodes. Evolved.

We’ve included over 50 shortcodes for you to use in your templates. Sounds impressive. But, let’s face it, shortcodes are annoying. You have to remember some useless, boring, proprietary code to output some content. That isn’t right. That’s why with out shortcode builder you simply click a few buttons, fill in a few boxes and bang! your content is displayed for you. No need for [some_shortcode this=”that” very=”annoying”]. For almost all of our features we’ve managed to get the WordPress visual editor to allow you to see exactly what is you’re outputting to your site before you publish. Say goodbye to the preview – refresh – d’oh missed that thing – back to editor – change – preview – repeat ad nauseum – cycle that we’ve all been doing for years.

In some situations, with the right browser and decent internet connection, you can even manipulate the content in accordions and tabs, just as if they were on editable on the front end of your site. True wysiwyg.

Your sliders will show you examples of what they’ll look like, rather than some simple shortcode, too.

Page Templates

We’ve included several page templates with your theme, including the options of where to have your sidebar – left or right, or not have one at all – i.e. a full width page. We’ve also included a 404 template (error page) and a holding page. But the beauty of our visual editor is that you can create your own page layouts with ease – create up to 5 columns worth of content, with full-width (or any width) sliders, accordions, tabs, awesome typography, buttons and all manner of extra styles.

Incredible Help and Support Documentation

We have spent so much time creating a help package for our themes which includes high resolution screenshots, in-depth walkthroughs and amazing screencasts allowing us to show you how to do each task on your site. There’s also an FAQ baked right into your theme options panel.

We’re also committed to providing the best after-sales service on the marketplace. We wont leave you in the dark or out in the cold. We’ll do out absolute best to make sure you’re happy with your theme. No more worries about buying something and not knowing whether it will work for you – we’re here to help.

Custom Widgets

We’ve hand coded some amazing custom widgets for you to use as well as styling all of the WordPress default widgets. Here’s a taster:

Widget Areas

There are 5 separate widget areas available on your home page – 2 of which carry through to the rest of your site. This means there are 9 separate widget slots available to use on your home page alone! Incredibly powerful!

In total there are 10 separate widget areas including those on your Holding Page and 404 Error Page

In-built Holding or “Coming Soon” Page Template

Have your domain name already but aren’t quite ready to launch yet? No problems, our holding page template allows you to tell your visitors when to come back (with a javascript countdown timer) and a widget-ready area so you can incorporate an e-mail sign up form or other widget of your choice.

As this template uses the same sort of styles incorporated throughout the rest of the site, it will give your visitors an impression of what your site will be like before you launch!

Maintenance Page

With the click of a button you can place your site into maintenance mode and get all your traffic redirected to a page of your choosing. This means you’re able to work behind the scenes without your site’s visitors being able to see what you’re doing, but at the same time you can make sure they are redirected to a page where you can tell them when to come back and what they can expect!

Valid HTML 5 & CSS 3

With Friendly Themes templates, your site is future-proofed. No need to worry about changing over to HTML 5 in the future – you’re already covered. We also progressively enhance our themes meaning that modern, more capable browsers receive a slightly ‘upgraded’ experience whereas older, standards in-compliant browsers still have access to all of your content.

Map with directions with Geolocation

Want to show your visitors where you are? How about automatically work out where they are and show them directions to your office, shop, place of business etc? Again, it’s literally 2 clicks away, no coding necessary.

In-Line Ajax Search

Powerful inline ajax search allows your visitors to start typing for a search term and the results are shown to them immediately and filtered further as they continue to type.

This feature currently utilises a plug-in which comes with this theme. If you do not wish to use this plugin, your guests will still be able to search just as they would on any other site and their results will be shown on the search results page.

Search Engine Optimisation

We believe WordPress gets a lot of things right with SEO , but it can also be improved upon. That’s why we’ve kept our code clean, fast and easy to read which in turn means that any SEO plugin you decide to use fits right in. We’ve included support for some of the popular SEO plugins and have included Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin with this theme.


We’ve incorporated a great lightbox script into this theme and made it super easy for you to use – most of the time it will be automatic, when you insert a small/thumbnail image with a link to the full size image, we’ll automatically lightbox it for you – i.e. when someone clicks on the thumbnail, they’ll be shown the full version. You can also manually call the lightbox, too. Pretty awesome.

...and one more thing

Our support. It’s truly second to none. We believe in our products and we believe that the people who buy and use them should receive premium support. Otherwise, why would you ‘risk’ spending $35-$45 on a theme? We think part of that price pays for support. We’re here for you. Try us, we’re not called ‘Friendly’ Themes for nothing.

Andy & Rich both work and live in England so work on GMT – if you’re in a different timezone to us, please allow us some time to sleep before we get back to you. But…get back to you, we will.


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/mercury-business-portfolio-theme-by-friendlythemes/498870?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss...
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