current version 1.1.0
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- ADDED: custom fields support for custom post types - ADDED: theme preloader - ADDED: new labels for custom post type support - ADDED: custom logo in WP admin - ADDED: lightbox for gallery shortcodes - ADDED: font icon clickable to select - FIXED: auto assign custom fields for pages/posts - FIXED: custom post types saving data - FIXED: issues on Custom CSS - UPDATED: to WordPress 4.0 - UPDATED: revolution slider to v4.6 - UPDATED: typography shortcode to v2.0.2 - UPDATED: contact form 7 to 3.9.3 - UPDATED: child theme - UPDATED: localisation for theme options - UPDATED: language translations files (.mo/.po) - UPDATED: theme options UI - UPDATED: font-awesome to v4.2.0
- FIXED: backslashes minor issue on text/header - FIXED: large image hover bg in homepage - FIXED: standard TinyMCE functions in all pages - FIXED: form checkboxes and radio buttons issue - FIXED: header title and subtitle for static page when choosing Posts page - UPDATED: documentations - UPDATED: to WordPress 3.8.3 - UPDATED: TGM plugin to current version 2.4.0 - UPDATED: superfish menu dropdown to version 1.7.4 - UPDATED: contact form 7 plugin to version 3.7.2
- ADDED: translations options for pages/post - FIXED: theme options element arrangement - FIXED: page descriptions in custom pages - UPDATED: documentations
- Initial Released