Mẫu thiết kế web My Note - Personal Blog Wordpress Theme


Nội dung


MyNote is a simple yet beautiful theme for your personal blog. Using this theme, you can tell the world about your stories in an awesome way. It works well with all desktop and mobile devices. MyNote also equipped with 7 post format, such as Video, Audio, Soundcloud (audio), Gallery as grid or slider or column, Quote and Aside. You can choose from 7 predefined colors available, the most suitable to your personality.

MyNote theme copywriting by envalabs

All Features:

  1. Unlimited Color scheme Setting
  2. 7 Predefined Color schemes
  3. Retina ready
  4. 100% responsive (layout & video)
  5. Translation ready
  6. 600+ google fonts
  7. Theme options panel
  8. Smart code editor
  9. 12 columns grid system
  10. Included 10 seamless pattern background
  11. Font Awesome icon
  12. Image Gallery with lightbox zoom effect
  13. Custom Widgets:
    1. Twitter
    2. Social Icons
    3. Recent Comments
    4. Tab
    5. Recent Posts
    6. Tags

Image Resource (theme preview)

  1. Unsplash.com
  2. The Lost Man Project
  3. Fotuwe
  4. deathtothestockphoto
  5. vonderauvisuals

jQuery Resource

  1. jQuery 2.0.3
  2. jQuery EasyTabs plugin 3.2.0
  3. jQuery OwlSlider
  4. jQuery isotope
  5. jQuery Prettyphoto
  6. jQuery Cookie


 Version 1.4 - 10th Sept, 2014 - Added VK.com on Social Share - Fixed Translation String on tab widget recent and popular - Discus Comment System plugin compatible.  - Fixed full video 240p on youtube post format  Version 1.3 - 11th August, 2014 - Corrects broken translation strings - Improved Gallery Post Format, (Jetpack tiled gallery or Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack plugin), otherwise, the default layout will be used - Added Additional Featured Post Option. You now can set it with manual method (post by post) or just pick the category(ies) - Added Instagram Icon to Header  Version 1.2 - 7th August, 2014 - Added 3 Additional Header Varians, so you have 4 header layout choices now - Fixed Inline Styling Problem - Fixed Missing responsive.css - Fixed Colorschemes css files missing  Version 1.1 - 6th August, 2014 - Added option to choose inline styling methor instead of css write with wp_filesystem. In case your server don't allow fopen rewrite. - Added VK Social media - Added Full width page template - Added Option to hide/show avatar image in header - Fixed Bug 


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/my-note-personal-blog-wordpress-theme/8192177?WT.oss_phrase=soundcloud&WT.oss_r...
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