Mẫu thiết kế web North | Unique E-Commerce Theme

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North | Unique E-Commerce Theme

Whenever you have an issue with our theme or WordPress in general, we are here to assist you. Post a comment or open a ticket here.

Update 1.0.2 – 2.10.2014

 Added options to customize 404 pages Added typography options to customize headers Added color options for header menus Added Up-Sell & Cross-Sell popups to products pages & the shopping bag  Fixed Product List shortcode not working Fixed Side Shopping Bag not scrolling on touch devices Fixed "Just Arrived" badge behaviour  Changed files: - 404.php - assets/css/app.css - assets/css/selection.php - assets/js/app.min.js - assets/js/plugins/app.js - assets/sass/_mobilemenu.scss - assets/sass/_shop.scss - assets/sass/_sidebar.scss - assets/sass/_sidecart.scss - assets/sass/_styleswitcher.scss - assets/sass/app.scss - footer.php - inc/misc.php - inc/ot-radioimages.php - inc/ot-themeoptions.php - inc/woocommerce.php - style.css - vc_templates/thb_product_list.php - woocommerce/cart/cross-sells.php - woocommerce/single-product/up-sells.php 

Update 1.0.1 – 19.10.2014

 Added option to use Product Categories or Widgets in Footer Fixed sidebar left issue on mobile screens Fixed My Account notice issues & styled Forget Password page Updated Revolution Slider  Changed files: - woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php - woocommerce/myaccount/form-lost-password.php - assets/js/app.min.js - assets/js/plugins/app.js - assets/js/vendor.min.js - assets/js/vendor/SmoothScroll.js - assets/sass/_sidebar.scss - assets/sass/app.scss - assets/css/app.css - inc/masonry-ajax.php - inc/misc.php - inc/ot-themeoptions.php - inc/sidebar.php - inc/woocommerce.php - style.css - Gruntfile.js - header.php - page.php 


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/north-unique-ecommerce-theme-/9117256?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_rank=10&WT.z_author...
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