The most famous feature of the Metro Interface is the tile (color square width text or (and) icon). We included tile generator into our theme. Using it, you can add tile into the page, using simple editor. One Touch theme Tile generator allows you to edit text, numbers, you can select tile templates, insert icons, configure background. Create your tiles in few seconds, and have original site.
“Slider revoltion” and “Visual Composer”. You don’t need to buy them separately. Simply install it in two clicks at template installation. Integrated styles for WooCommerce and Pricing Tables plugin help you to create a simple and powerfull store on your site
Template with Modern UI inspires confidence and motivated towards detail. It creates and gives a feeling of reliability and safety. This new minimalistic approach might just be the future of the web. We all assume tablets and touch, portable devices are the future of your new site.
Correct site on any device! Your users see the same site on all devices. It doesn’t matter if they use desktops, tablets or smartphones, your visitors will enjoy the same remarkable experience. All the elements scale and resize depending on the device the website is viewed on. No more words! Just try it!
----Version 2.5., October 14, 2014---- -Added options to Options>Social Account to change icon and title with subtitle- -Fixed issue with icons after theme updating- -Fixed back-to-top button animations- -Title and subtitle interchanged- -Fixed tags pages title- -Added "Excerpt" option for portfolio pages- -Added option to change contact form title- -Fixed issue with sidebars on portfolio page- -Fixed incompatibility with Woocommerce 2.2.- -"Read more" text translation fix- -Added option to Menu Customizer to inherit parent background color for submenus- -Added responsive styles for Crumina Page slider- -Fixed categories display in Products Crumina Slider- -Fixed HTML Raw module- -Added option to change title/text color in row settings- -Added feature for posts pages/blog modules to show author avatar with date- -Added feature to Crumina page slider to show multiple sliders on page- -Added option to make titles clickable in Blog posts module- -Added option to Accordion module - all tabs are collapsible- -Recent shop items - added option tiles sizes- -Added title color option in Menu Customizer- -Added option to tiles module to disable flip effect- -Fixed recent portfolio items - tiles dimensions-
----Version 2.3.5., July 24, 2014---- -Fixed recent portfolio items module- -Fixed option to show social share buttons in single posts- -Fixed icons styles- -Fixed portfolio sortable-
------July 16, 2014 V. 2.3.1.----- -Fixed plugins update function-
------July 11, 2014 V. 2.3.----- -Fixed Google map display on IE8- -Added option to show post author avatar in Blog post module and all blog templates- -Back-to-top button is linked to main site color- -Demo import is fully reworked- -updated theme documentation- -Fixed Custo form shorotcode option- -Added new options to Recent posts widget- -Added icon manager- -Fixed typography issue- -Added option for featured image in single portfolio item (on/off)- -Fixed and added new options to Timy post list module in MVB- -Fixed Recent from Portfolio module in MVB- -Added text formatting button sto Text module in MVB-
-------May 16, 2014 V 2.2.0.---------- -Fixed responsive menu- -Updated plugins- -Added new options to Metro Visual Builder plugin- -SEO improvements-
-------April, 26 2014 V 2.1.9---------- -improved options in text module of Metro Visual Builder- -improved backend styles of Metro Visual Buider- -third-party plugins updated- -new import file fort Layer Slider-
-------April, 21 2014 V 2.1.8---------- -Added layout options for portfolio template- -Fixed custom metaboxes-
-------April, 18 2014 V 2.1.7---------- -Added [assword protection feature- -Fixed translation for Read More- -Added tooltip for google map shortcode in Metro Visual Builder- -Fixed text editor in text module in Metro Visual Builder according Wordpress 3.9. update- -Fixed functions.php error-
-----March, 13 2014 V 2.1.6----------------------Fixed "Quick edit" button- -Fixed HTML formatting in Metro Visual Builder- -Fixed options in "Blog posts" module- -Edited description for Footer Text option- -Fixed image crop in page slider- -Added option to select shop sidebar- -Added new module to Metro Visual Builder - Recent Products- -Added social share buttons to single posts- -Fixed opacity option in page slider- -Added option to add background to single pages- -Fixed shop page title - from Arcgives to Shop- -----February, 13 2014 V 2.1.5--------------------- -Fixed Metro Menu Customizer- -Translation added- -Added 'Read More' option for blog pages- -Added autoscroll option for Testimonials Module- -Added plugin for auto updates - Envato Toolkit Plugin- -Updated plugins- -Recent items module fixed- -----February, 10 2014 V 2.1.4--------------------- -Warning fixed- -Header columns fix- -Menu Customizer fix- -Header fixed- -Glitches fixed- -----February, 06 2014 V 2.1.1--------------------- -Fixed portfolio categories selection- -Fixed styles for sticky menu- -Added option to display post excerpt on blog page------February, 05 2014 V 2.1--------------------- - Fixed 'Back' button on Shop page - - Fixed adding images to 'Presentation box' and 'Tiles' modules - - Added 'Presentation Image' module - - Fixed colorpicker on 'Tiles' module - - Fixed Footer Text in Options>Main options panel - - Fixed single posts - - Fixed blog portfolio categories selection - - Added Instagram social button - - Fixed Raw HTML module - - Fixed icon on Text Module -