----- 1.2.6 (08/14/2014) ----- * Fixed an minor bug in process icons File location: sites/all/modules/inspiro/shortcodes Updated file: shortcodes.module ----- 1.2.5 (08/12/2014) ----- * Updated to latest drupal 7.31 * Fixed Logo and Revolution Slider module * Fixed notice error line 1081. * Improvements and fixes on Layout page builder * Updated documentation ----- 1.2.4 (08/05/2014) ----- * Removed the way-point function in paris.js file! ----- 1.2.3 (07/29/2014) ----- * Fixed "Aggregate JavaScript files" ----- 1.2 (07/24/2014) ----- * Updated to latest drupal 7.29 * Fixed Contact info module * Fixed Gallery arrows * Fixed Layout page builder * Updated documentation ----- 1.1 (07/18/2014) ----- Initial release