ROUA is the latest must-have WordPress portfolio theme for freelance artists and creative agencies. It will fully satisfy the needs of any graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, and is sure to create a trendy online presence. It is a simple yet fresh and easy-to-use theme suitable for any kind of creative work.
Awesome minimal look on mobile devices, it can be up and running in a very short period of time! It is not just responsive, but designed with the highest functionality in mind. Still, ROUA manages to retain a certain “unique feel” that is simply different from everything else.
- Improved: Blog image size; - Improved: Image instead of the video on mobile devices (only for the video with overlay - not on project videos);
- Solved: Problems on iPhone with portfolio page; - Added: Video support for portfolio and pages; - Added: Portfolio single next/prev arrows. - Added: Customize 2 colors of the theme - choose from unlimited colors; - Added: Option for solid color header background; - Improved: Responsiveness and mobile;
- Solved: Problems on Portfolio Categories; - Solved: Problems on Safari - single portfolio page; - Added: When the menu is opened and you click the content, the menu it will close now; - Solved: Zilla Likes plugin conflict;
- Initial release;
Images are courtesy of: Mayra Monobe, Sam Flaherty and Brand Book.