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Galathemes proudly introduce you a revolution of design that will be a new hit of Galathemes, Gala Instyle. It is specialized for fashion, accessories, or shoses store. The first impressions for it would be clean, neat, but very allures, high fashion and modern at the same time. What special about this theme is showing products in pinterest style. You can have more effective product showing with 2x or even 3x images. Loading every single product you want to be displayed without messing the website up. You won’t regret for trying this new creation.
Integrated functions in the theme makes it more worthy to buy. Responsive Web Design enhances flexibility of the site in variety screen resolutions. Theme Variations improves your ability to customize the theme yourself. The core factor to be successful in a fashion business is beautiful visual, which is provided through stunning slideshow and other nice visual effects. Each extension is integrated to ensure it boost your sales, increase economic efficiency as well as brand.
Check out more interesting features of it, you will be impressed.
Compatibility with Magento: Community edition 1.7.x, 1.8.x (,,,
Theme support general typography, support all HTML elements, 24 columns grid system, support adaptive layout. Check out the Typography page for details.
Detailed instruction to help you install the theme on your store or install build a full demo site like our demo store. Detailed instruction for using our extensions, widget, theme settings. For developer, it guides you to develop a custom style extended from the original style without modifying the original source code.
Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can send us email to, when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.
Our working hour is from 8:00AM to 5:00PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.
Version 1.0.2 - 06/13/2014: - Update package - Improves ajaxcart Version 1.0.1 - 2013-10-7: - Release update magento Version 1.0 - 2013-09-24: - Initial release