RESPONSIVE DESIGN Whether you are viewing the website on a big or small screen, laptop, tablet or phone it will always look great. Just put your info and Sapphire will take care of the rest. CUSTOM ICONS Sapphire comes packed with a wide variety of icons. The icons are added as an icon font that look pixel perfect on any device and is easy to use. Choose whatever suites your style best. RETINA READY Sapphire offers a great visual experience on high density screens due to the 1200+ custom icon font and heavy CSS3 usage for layout. ELITE AUTHOR All the experience and knowledge acquired while working towards reaching elite author status has been put in the template. Rest assured that you are receiving a top quality product and support for it! What are you getting when you buy template? HTML5 Templateand documentation
A modern design with clean lines and styling for a wide variety of content. Exactly how a business design should be.
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I usually respond to support requests within 48 hours on weekdays. Support request sent during weekends/holidays will be processed on Monday/the next business day.