Clean, fresh, responsive and easy to customize, unique multipurpose Premium WooCommerce WordPress theme. ShopBox is a unique,fully responsive, fresh, WordPress theme with 10 different color variations and demo content with one click activation. Our shortcode system will make your life easier and demo data install is a breeze. With unlimited colour settings, custom backgrounds, amazing layered slider and much more this is truly fully customable wordpress theme. With great support we are sure this template will be a joy for you and your clients. It can be used for on line shops, business and corporate sites, your portfolio site or customize it to suit your wishes. And please, if you like it do rate
- fix: New contact form now working correctlyUpdate 05.09.2014 – v 1.2.2
- fix: Contact form is now translatable - Improved: Product gallery load and display - fix_Gallery shortcode accepts sizes - Improved: New composer compliance - fix: Open Sans font not displaying correctly in some browsers bug fixed (Update 04.06.2014 – v1.2.1:
- fixed: columns issue on WooCommerce pagesUpdate 28.05.2014 – v1.2.0:
- fixed: PHP error notice issue - fixed: widget image size issue - fixed: Firefox quantity stylingUpdate 26.05.2014 – v1.1.9:
- fixed: default logo issue - fixed: WooCommerce widget sizing - changed: Checkout textUpdate 14.05.2014 – v1.1.8:
- updated: review-order.phpUpdate 30.04.2014 – v1.1.7:
- fixed: mega menu image showingUpdate 23.04.2014 – v1.1.6:
- fixed: issue with WordPress 3.9 (shortcode builder) - fixed: issues with WooCommerce files - fixed: widget rating issueUpdate 01.04.2014 – v1.1.5:
- fixed: product link center align when Compare it not active - fixed: Wishlist page hidden on My Account, when plugin is not active - fixed: banner grid link issue - fixed: rating issue - fixed: disabled responsive issue - fixed: iOS menu closing issue - added: child theme file references (helpers.php and shortcodes.php) - added: sticky menu - added: support for Visual Composer version 4+Update: 25.03.2014 – v1.1.4
- fixed: shop categories styling - changed: SKU display optionUpdate: 25.03.2014 – v1.1.3
- changed: logo sizing - fixed: no column size issue - fixed: Google maps layout issueUpdate: 18.03.2014 – v1.1.2
- added: support for custom menus and links in copyright footer - added: edit links on posts and pages - added: logout button on My Account page - changed: contact form functionality - changed: headings for SEO on posts and pages - fixed: sidebar widget issues - fixed: IE issues with Newsletter plugin - fixed: issues with footer columns - fixed: price variation issue - fixed: gallery thumbnail spacing issue - fixed: Lost Password form issuesUpdate: 04.03.2014 – v1.1.1
- fixed: 1 column footer widget area issue (widgets could not be added) - fixed: IE8 Newsletter issue - fixed: IE8, IE9 Sale tag issue - fixed: boxed background pattern issue - fixed: styling for WooCommerce Cart widget - fixed: IE8 add to cart issue - updated: outdated WooCommerce filesUpdate: 22.02.2014 – v1.1.0
- fixed: dummy content (created using Visual Composer) - fixed: sale IE issue - fixed: media upload for boxed background images - updated: pluginsUpdate: 18.02.2014 – v1.0.9
- fixed: issues with the new version of WooCommerceUpdate: 12.02.2014 – v1.0.8
- fixed: star rating still showing as hearts on single product pages - changed: tabs documentation
Update: 12.02.2014 – v1.0.7
From this update further WooCommerce 2.1.0. is required
- updated: Woocommerce files so that the theme works with 2.1.0. - fixed: issues with Visual ComposerUpdate: 10.02.2014 – v1.0.6
- fixed: image sizing issue - fixed: WooCommerce pages boxed header issue - fixed: video z-index issue - fixed: title misalignment - added: option to change between hearts and stars for rating - added: option to change to place ratings and prices in separate lines (This option comes handy when your prices are really long) - added: add to cart notificationUpdate: 07.02.2014 – v1.0.5
- fixed: dummy content and visual composer issueUpdate: 05.02.2014 – v1.0.4
- changed: Shop Single Product LightBox styling - added: Magnify product image functionality on Shop Single Product page - added: second image option on Products - fixed: wishlist AJAX issueUpdate: 01.02.2014 – v1.0.3
- added: Visual Composer - fixed: cart AJAX issue - fixed: translation issueUpdate: 28.01.2014 – v1.0.2
- fixed: statement box overlay issue - fixed: dummy content issue - fixed: font family issue - fixed: wishlist bug - fixed: LayerSlider WP install notice issue - added: LayerSlider WP dummy content - updated: pluginsUpdate: 25.01.2014 – v1.0.1
- changed: WPML language changer styling - fixed: plugin installation issues - fixed: shop default values issue - fixed: sidebar issue - updated: documentation
Pictures that aren’t included
all images bought on and and are not included!