Amazing work! Thank you very much![]()
- paszek
amazing theme…
- vertilex
Overall great theme!
- joetomgo
Great theme. Just bought it!
- allexiel
SmartChoice is an advanced Multi-Purpouse Theme. We are sure it will suits your needs. With SmartChoice you can achive almost any layout you like. Easy to setup, enhanced with Massive Panel, Visual Composer and custom shortcode wizard. This combination makes creating content extremely easy. It has tones of build in option but it is still easy to use and understand. The only way to see SmartChoice in its full flory is to lunch the preview, 80+ pages of preview cannot lie.
29/04/2014 - Version 1.0.6 - Wordpress 3.9 compatibility - Visual Composer 4.1.2 - Revolution Slider 4.3.8 - Other small fixes and improvements 12/11/2013 - Version 1.0.5 - Visual Composer - Revolution Slider 4.0.4 08/10/2013 - Version 1.0.4 - moved all custom Visual Composer elements to theme folder - Visual Composer 3.6.13 - Revolution Slider 3.0.93 29/08/2013 - Version 1.0.3 - added social icons (Instagram, Youtube, Xing) - mobile improvements - fixed post duplication issue - minor fixes and improvements 10/08/2013 - Version 1.0.2 - new version of Visual Composer - fixed WP 3.6 issues - fixed IE10 & FF header search form - added alternative mobile menu 07/08/2013 - Version 1.0.1 - category/tag archive fixed - IE10 footer fixed 01/08/2013 - Version 1.0 - Release
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Special thanks goes to Adrian Wencel & Dawid Baranski