Thank you so much for having a look at Smash!
The goal with Smash was to build a truly unique and expressive WordPress blogging theme. Starting with the unique menu, unmissable position of the author image in the header, big headlines, full-screen images, and ending with multiple layouts and placing an insane amount of customization options at your fingertips, Smash is Bonfire’s most personal, varied and option-filled theme yet.
We wanted to offer a well-defined, instantly memorable design and — through a selection of layouts that are different but still unmistakeably Smash — last you a long time.
Please do have a look at Smash’s demos site here as well as the rest of the content on this page to find out more information about some of the more stand-out elements of the theme, as well as what you can expect when you purchase a Bonfire product.
You can find a lengthier description of Smash’s features on the demo site here, but here’s quick and handy list of the theme’s features for all the list lovers out there (guilty as charged):UPDATE 1.6 (October 8, 2014) - Added option to easily customize tab names on "Grid" layout
UPDATE 1.5 (September 22, 2014) - Added separate page color customization options under Appearance > Customize > Pages
UPDATE 1.4 (September 20, 2014) - Added feature to loading screen: a close button will now appear after 7 seconds, allowing users to get past the loading screen if for example a third-party embed takes too long to load or isn't loading correctly
UPDATE 1.3 (September 19, 2014) - "Wide" layout now also available on the blog index - added option to add Spotify button to profile page - fixed jumpy featured story animation in Chrome - updated FontAwesome icon set to newest version (now even wider icon selection for menus etc.)
UPDATE 1.2 (September 15, 2014) - added "Classic" blog index layout
UPDATE 1.1 (September 12, 2014) Per customer requests: - added option to add LinkedIn button to profile page - added option to allow profile page social buttons to be opened in new browser tabs - the featured story button's icon and tooltip text in the header can now be customized similarly to the Canvas button