Mẫu thiết kế web Super Skeleton WP: Responsive, Minimal, Beautiful

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Version 2.1 is out! – 4/19/2014 – Update Notes Below! Please read if you’re an existing user!

Designed for basic users, not geeks – all by a dude in Southern California who just loves making rockin’ WP themes for other folks.


Surpassed all expectations and then some. Great theme and great support, each update it gets better and better! ~donescobar

SuperSkeleton for WordPress is responsive (try resizing your browser)... that means that it’ll flex to fit massive screens, or itty bitty iPhone screens (and everything in between). Touch gestures even work on the slider!

SuperSkeleton is more than a WordPress theme, it’s a comprehensive HTML5 framework and it includes a full templating system as well; A collection of several incredibly powerful scripts and CSS structures that’s been tied together into a kit that’s perfect as a jumping off point of your next project.

We’ve got SEO and other fancy search engine optimization tricks baked into the theme as well… so it’ll get crawled well and people can find ya easier! There’s even some social stuff included as well! It’s all built on the SuperSkeleton theme system – a robust, flexible, magically delicious system that’s collected nearly 6,000 sales in just a couple months!

Oh, and the markup, it’s fully standards compliant and written in a way that’s easy to understand. No messy naming silliness… just simple, semantic class names that anyone can understand within minutes. Heck, it’s based on the popular 960.gs, so unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know this is going to be pretty simple to use.

SuperSkeleton is well organized. Take what you love, leave what you don’t, customize the rest. It’s completely in your hands – turn it into the next big thing, or just as your little personal projects, it’s up to you.

What’s Included?

Change Log

  ******************* VERSION 2.1.0 *******************  2.1.X updates are all going to be focused on bringing the "classic" version of Super Skeleton up to WP 3.9 standards. The goal is to do this without breaking a bunch of stuff in the process, but we recommend that you re-fill out ALL theme options and page/post options just to be safe. Heck, if your existing version is working just fine, I'm going to recommend not doing the update until you've got some free time on your hands to make sure it goes smoothly. Oh, and make a backup of your old version please!  There is a new version that I'm working on that all existing users will have access to - it'll be out next month (maybe sooner) and it'll bring a ton of new features to the theme... so much has to change as far as the code goes though that I can almost guarantee that it won't be compatible with the old theme... so that's why I'm spending some time on the 2.1.X stuff.  New users don't really need to sweat the update notes of course - The issues that users might encounter are strictly releted to existing users updating the theme.  Read on for more details...  1. This is 3.9 compatible now :) All scripts and plugins have been brought up to their latest versions and the theme no longer throws any errors... The important thing to note that this theme was originally developed for version 3.2... a LOT has changed since then, so if you're updating, I'm going to recommend doing it cautiously (and preferably on a development server).  2. MAKE A BACKUP of your existing theme version. I know, it's old as heck and stuff, but I've updated a fairly large number of elements here and the last thing I want is to break any existing sites... so, backup backup backup.  Once you've made a backup, feel free to turn the old theme version off (delete it if you must) and upload/activate the new one. There is a free plugin that will do this for you called Easy Theme & Plugin Updates. Grab it here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/   3. Yes/No radio buttons are now "On/Off" switches when possible (especially in the Theme Options panel, but also in the Page Options for the page/post sliders). As such, *they need to be filled out again*... this means that updating might not be a super quick process. A LOT has changed since the year that I released this theme... so it's honestly going to be something that I recommend that all users do carefully.   4. I spent a couple solid weeks going through and making sure that things are working properly, but during that process, I realized that there are some major issues with how this theme works versus the themes that I'm releasing nowadays. In short, this theme just doesn't represent my best work... and frankly, almost all of it can be done a lot better if I were to re-write the whole thing.   Re-Writing the entire theme will inevitably cause issues for existing theme users though (variable names will change, templates will become irrelevant, etc.)... so we're kinda left with this "stop gap" release in the meantime.   In short, I'll be releasing a new version of this theme as an update for all existing users next month (maybe sooner). The goal for the new version will be to retain all existing features and designs... but to bring them up to current 2014 standards (instead of trying to retrofit a 3 year old theme)... but not just in terms of it "not breaking", I actually intend to bring in new features like Revolution Slider, Drag and Drop Layouts, the new Skeleton Grid system, etc.   It's going to take a bit more time of course - the 2.1 update (which was released this morning) is intended to basically be a quick fix for all existing users - the 3.0 version (which is coming out next month) will be intended to be a brand new theme (released under the same product name) that does the same thing, but does it properly and efficiently.  Hope that all makes sense!  Oh - and for the record - I'm a total ass for not releasing this sooner... the simple fact is that I've had a LOT happen in my life since releasing this theme, including some serious medical issues, 3 new kids, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Still, I recognize that it sucks that it took me this long to circle around and release some updates. It's not anything heroic, but I'll honestly do my best to keep up with these updates now that I'm back in action. 


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/super-skeleton-wp-responsive-minimal-beautiful/647570?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_ran...
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