Tilestheme PSD Template is a full layered PSD template. Its based upon 960 Grid framework. Very easy to code. Very nice organised and grouped in folders and layers is very easy to make custom changes. Clean easy to read design its great for seo companies, creative portfolios but also easy can be changed for a corporate or business website purpose. Photo used in design are only for demonstration purpose. Info about photos you can fond below in Sources and Credits. HTML/CSS version will also be available.
Tilestheme PSD Template is a full layered PSD template. Its based upon 960 Grid framework. Very easy to code. Very nice organised and grouped in folders and layers is very easy to make custom changes. Clean easy to read design its great for seo companies, creative portfolios but also easy can be changed for a corporate or business website purpose. Photo used in design are only for demonstration purpose. Info about photos you can fond below in Sources and Credits. HTML/CSS version will also be available.
All used fonts are free Google Fonts:
Icon used in the template are:
Photos used are: