Mẫu thiết kế web Top Class - Multipurpose HTML5 Responsive Template

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Top Class is a Multipurpose HTML5 Template built with Bootstrap3.2.0, HTML5 and CSS3 that have well-organized with valid code. We have added some awesome hover effects, 4 set of buttons with different size and styles. There are three color variation including all pages like blog page, blog single page, portfolio page, portfolio details, 404 Error page and yes, of course the short code page. This documentation provide you a clear & full guideline for how to use this Multipurpose HTML5 Template.

TopClass WordPress Version

If any hesitation about our product please, Feel free to ask any question or contact with us for further question or any kind of solution. Now, it’s time to dive in it for better conception. Thanks for purchasing our latest Multipurpose HTML5 Template product.

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Clients Rating of Top Class - Multipurpose HTML5 Responsive Template

Promo image of Top Class - Multipurpose HTML5 Responsive Template

  1. Fully Responsive
  2. Build with Bootstrap 3.2.0
  3. HTML5 & CSS3
  4. Pure CSS3 Animation Effect
  5. Google Font Used
  6. Isotope
  7. Google Map Included
  8. Easy to Customize
  9. Unique, Creative and Modern Design
  10. Touch Friendly Slider
  11. PHP Contact Form Processor

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Sources and Credits

  1. jQuery
  2. Twitter bootstrap
  3. Font Awesome
  4. Google API


22.09.2014—Version 1.2.0

 + Form Elements added on shortcode.html  + email.php page updated with php email validation  + email-validation.js updated for email validation + and added dynamic height on home page main slider 

15.09.2014—Version 1.1.0

 + Light Green version added  + Fixed some CSS issue and tooltip on short-code page  

08.09.2014—Version 1.0.0
 + Initial Release 

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Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/top-class-multipurpose-html5-responsive-template/8804831?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_...
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