06.10.2014 (v1.2.0) ------------------------------------- - Ghost 0.5.2 adjustments (post cover settings) 25.08.2014 (v1.1.0) ------------------------------------- - Ghost 0.5.0 compatible - posts covers - author pages 07.04.2014 (v1.0.4) ------------------------------------- - Ghost 0.4.2 compatible - tags archive page - assets update 31.03.2014 (v1.0.3) ------------------------------------- - package.json added 28.01.2014 (v1.0.2) ------------------------------------- - side menu fix (mentioned in comments) 19.01.2014 (v1.0.1) ------------------------------------- - Ghost 0.4 compatible - Ghost 0.4 static pages - Ghost 0.4 featured post - Static menu - Magnific Popup configuration: added arrows in carousel - Owl Carousel configuration: stretch items when it is less than the supplied items (5 default) - Go to top button