Unique is an event landing page package that you might need for your event. It is builded for cater any different events, you can use it for conference, workshop, music, camp or maybe a sport. I have included a clear commented code and how to combine and custom your own.
you can check it some example that i did example 1 : Blue/Sport | example 2 : Yellow/Music | example 3 : Red/Workshop Conference | example 4 : Green/Camp
Responsive Support by Skeleton Grid System
Flat & Minimal Design
Module based : Each code seperated with section tag and easy to custom
Bonus Inside : 4 Different examples
Stretched Layout & Box Layout
Intro page with logo and title : to give more exposure on your event name
Retina Display Support
Google Fonts
Jquery Quote (Quovolver)
Jquery Parallax Ready
Google Maps powered by jquery gmaps
Working Ajax Contact Form
Working Subscribe Form (Mail Chimp ready)
Cross Browser Compatible
Countdown Timer
Social Share Button (one click to share to Facebook and Twitter)
Twitter Feed
All Files are well commented
PSD & Documentation included
If you need support just try to reach by using comment on themeforest. or reach me on thegraphicgeeks@gmail.com Please dont hesitate to write down your suggestion, If you find something wrong, please leave me a comment and i will get right on that.
envato images from flickr
icon by pixeden
pattern by subtlepatterns
7-26-2013 - Firefox CSS Error
Tag : event, clean, onepage, flat, simple, minimal, responsive, landingpage, html5, modern, custom, multipurpose, workshop, campaign, multipurpose