Making eBooks Easy as Cake!
Designed with a dash of simplicity, a pinch of minimalism, and a healthy helping of elegance, Webbie is theme that lets you write, present & sell your ebook on wordpress with ease.
Its a responsive, opinionated premium theme built around making the writing, reading & selling of both ebooks and web books a breeze!
This theme is all about making reading easy. When on a page with “Prev” and “Next” buttons, you can use the Left and Right keyboard keys to navigate to the next and/or previous chapter/post.
At small screen sizes, the sidebar will only be visible if activated by the top left menu icon. This is especially handy for distraction-free mobile reading.
At larger screen sizes, it is possible to collapse the sidebar and get a relatively distraction-free reading experience. Active this mode by clicking the button just to the right of the logo area.
Integrate with the free Easy Digital Downloads and get started selling your book with ease!
Why stop at ePub and PDF ebook digital downloads? With Webbie, you can sell access to your book online! Integrate with the suggested plugin Restrict Content Pro — Premium Content Plugin and get more out of your ebook!
This Custom Post Type (CPT) lets you create and manage your web/ebook’s chapters. The functionality for this CPT is similar to that of Posts and should feel familiar.
People love your book, right? With the Reviews Custom Post Type, you can enter the various reviews your book has garnered. You’ll be able to provide a star-rating, if one was provided by a reviewer, as well as the reviewer’s image (use the Featured Post Image for this).
The Features Custom Post Type is where you tell your readers what they expect to find in your book. A brief rundown of the contents.
Webbie is responsive and mobile friendly on any device your website visitors are viewing your website on, it works and look great!