Version 1.4.0 – 11th of September 2014. – development time: ~ 8h
-changed: screenshot.png - fixed: "Homepage Slider" disappeared from the theme-options (with the new WP 4.0 update) - fixed: the homepage sections were not appearing on the front page (with the new WP 4.0 Update) - fixed: sometimes the preloader script got stuck at 99% in FireFox - fixed: broken ordinal date suffix for the Events / RSVP in the case of dates like "11th", "12th" "13th" - added: Now you can add more than one "Ceremony Location" (in case you need 2 separate locations, maybe one for the church and one for the party time/map) - added: added possibility to have "boxed" view in addition to the default "wide" view - fixed: broken single page view since WP 4.0 - fixed: broken "wide view" for blog page - fixed: sometimes the preloader's "minimum time" wasn't working properly
Version 1.3 – 21th of July 2014
- fixed: single page header issue when set up from page > "header image" metabox - fixed: in certain conditions the brides maids and grooms men appeared not well aligned - fixed: issue with slide not showing if the uploaded image was smaller than 2130px wide x 640px tall - fixed: in certain conditions the homepage title was not aligned - fixed: the timeline photos appeared not centered on mobile - fixed: problems with text and image alignment on mobile - fixed: menu didn't show past the 14th menu item, on mobile
Version 1.2 – 5th of July 2014
- fixed: hard coded bride and groom names in "header.php" - improvement: possibility to add an image logo instead of the site description
Version 1.1 – 1st of July 2014
- fixed: MediaAccess.php bug that was causing the "Warning: Cannot modify header information"