Yamato is a responsive marketing Joomla 3.X template. Built on the powerful Helix 2 Framework, Yamato will help you to develop your site in no time. Loaded with tons of features: UI Kit, Revolution Slider, Roksprocket, Parallax Modules, Responsive Google charts, Drag & Drop Layout Builder, Google fonts, Font Awesome, Bootstrap and many many more! Yamato also comes with styling for the best Survey Component: BF Survey Plus, which will give you the ultimate customer support experience. Yamato has also 4 dedicated home pages – Marketing, Freelancer, Landing page (Mobile App) and Business. Also you have in your disposal 30 + different pages with different features that will make your site development easy as pie!
Yamato is a responsive marketing Joomla 3.X template. Built on the powerful Helix 2 Framework, Yamato will help you to develop your site in no time. Loaded with tons of features: UI Kit, Revolution Slider, Roksprocket, Parallax Modules, Responsive Google charts, Drag & Drop Layout Builder, Google fonts, Font Awesome, Bootstrap and many many more! Yamato also comes with styling for the best Survey Component: BF Survey Plus, which will give you the ultimate customer support experience. Yamato has also 4 dedicated home pages – Marketing, Freelancer, Landing page (Mobile App) and Business. Also you have in your disposal 30 + different pages with different features that will make your site development easy as pie!
Yamato Marketing Features:
Important: Revolution Slider and Paralax Module are included only in the quickstart package!
1.0.1 Update 05.05.2014:
+ Updated Joomla to 3.3.0 + Updated Helix 2 Framework to 2.1.6 + Updated Revolution Slider to 4.3.6 b3
Images used in the demo site and NOT included in the download file:
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