Người tìm việc Compensation and Benefits Freelancer or Part time Trần Giang

Họ tên: Trần Giang

Giới tính: Nữ

Ngày sinh: 25/11/1979

Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

Compensation & Benefits

Hình thức làm việc: Bán thời gian cố định

Cấp bậc mong muốn: Cộng tác viên

Vị trí mong muốn: Compensation and Benefits Freelancer or Part time

Các kỹ năng

+ Master in declaration of social insurance, control of declare and make finalization personal income tax.
+ Manage data of human resource system on the computer. Process the spreadsheets, document, paperwork.
+ Planning, organizing and monitoring work.
+ Analysis and statistical of human resources.+ Analysis and statistical of human resources.
+ Handling quickly of transactions, solve problems and give quickly solutions.

Kinh nghiệm

Over 10 years of working at the company in the fields of activity:
- Activity fields of public relations, human resources consultant, event marketing, government relations, consumer activation and relationship marketing in Vietnam.
- Production and supply of natural stone for construction, decorative indoor and outdoor.
- Production and supply of door products, window system for buildings.
1. Build Human Resources procedures:
• Build the labor rules;
• Build and develop the procedures and regulations:
- Recruitment Process: Build detail of content, responsibilities, requirements, and methods of recruitment.
- Administrative control regulations: To control the storage and records relating to the employee. Control information on the records to ensure are honest records. Control administrative costs;
- Timekeeping Regulations: Develop detailed of checking and confirming for attendance of working time, as a basis for calculating wages and overtime, as the basis to evaluate the effectiveness of employees.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of job: Evaluating performance of employees work in accordance with the functions, management capacity assessment of the management staff, to help employees adjust and fix mistakes work in process, as a basis for salary review and bonus proportionate to the effort that the employee has contributed to the Company.
• Build personnel management systems on the computer to update and manage employee information, salary information, all information of benefits, to ensure that all data service for payroll, to declare personal income tax, to declare social insurance, as well as statistics, reports and ensure report timely and information be keep confidential;
• Build salary system in accordance with regulations of the state and regulations of corporation;
• Build wage regulations and policies;
• Build forms of administrative affairs to departments coordinate implementation;
• Build and develop the formula to make the payroll, report and follow the process of social insurance, make personal income tax, make labor report in increasing or decreasing of employees, supervise the process of working of employees ensure data correctly;
• Build data file of process in salaries and allowances, deductions of social insurance salary, process the labor contract, ... to service storage data, reports, statistics, make financial planning of annual wage policy;
• Build file of annual leave of employees;
• Make financial planning of annual wage policy and benefits, administrative cost;
• Cooperate to departments to build and develop the job description.
2. Recruiment and Traning:
• Build data systems of candidate's resumes to service for recruitment.
• Search candidate's resumes, check and contact candidate to interview via phone before give a interview invitation by one to one.
• Prepare the skills test.
• Summary of interview result, make reporting of result of recruitment, make the proposal for recruiment;
• Manage contracts of recruiment service;
• Make payment of costs arise in recruiment;
• Coordinate with departments to organize professional training courses, prepare training program;
• In charge in disseminating of procedures and regulations of Company;
• Advise to Director of human resources current and future;
• Advice and answer questions of employees.
3. Supervise and prepare salary and benefits:
• Build kind of salary tables accord regulations of Company, build formula in salary tables;
• Update changes of employees to service in preparing salary monthly and bonus to ensure correctly;
• Supervise and prepare salary sheets, make payment accord regulations of Company to ensure still accord with social insurance law and personal income tax regulations;
• Prepare payment slip to employees after each salary cycle;
• Prepare benefits: Birthday, Visit employees’s family, Wishing employees’s wedding, Visit maternity leave,…;
• Solve paperwork of ending working, make payment mode time off work for employees.
4. Social Insurance accord regulation of the State:
• Manage data of process of employees’s insurance deduction, supervise in preparing of reports change of employees to local insurance department;
• Supervise insurance total cost monthly, cooperate Accounting department to make payment on time accord regulation of insurance depatrment;
• Check, compare and make estimation of social insurance cost.
5. Declare employees’s personal income tax monthly and finalization yearly:
• Cooperate Accounting department in summary of employees’s personal income tax to make payment monthly, supervise in preparing finalization of employees’s personal income tax yearly;
• Register personal income tax , control the registration dossier dependent deductions.
6. Prepare labor contract and employee paperwork:
• Prepare probation contract, labor contract. Follow up contract period to give remind managers in review employee’s contract renew contract on time;
• Prepare employee’s pagerworks: Ttermination of labor contrac

Trình độ tin học: Good at office computer applications

Ngoại ngữ: English - Tiếng Anh

Tốt nghiệp năm: 2004

Ngành học: Financial & Accounting

Trình độ học vấn: Đại học

Địa điểm làm việc: TP. HCM
Đồng Tháp

Mức lương: Thỏa thuận

Số năm kinh nghiệm: Hơn 5 năm

Tuổi: 36

Ngành nghề: Làm bán thời gian

Tình trạng hôn nhân: Đã kết hôn

Ngày làm mới: 01/01/2014


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