Người tìm việc Marketing Executive Phạm Trọng Đức

Họ tên: Phạm Trọng Đức

Giới tính: Nam

Ngày sinh: 15/08/1988

Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

I am looking for a permanent job which is active and incentive so that I could contribute all what I learned and witnessed to the success of the organization.

Hình thức làm việc: Toàn thời gian cố định

Cấp bậc mong muốn: Nhân viên

Vị trí mong muốn: Marketing Executive

Các kỹ năng

Soft skills:

 Creative, Dynamic, Confidence.
 Well organized and independently thinking.
 Analytical thinking and problem solving skills.
 Good communication skill. Good presentation skill.
 Able to work under pressure.

Organizational skills and Competances:

 During my studying and working period, I had been witnessed in a dynamic teamwork environment where I had chances to lead my team to complete the assigned tasks well. Therefore, my organisational skill becomes one of my advantages.

Other skills and competences:

 I am willing to work in a challenging environment which would help me to obtain more experience in my career and life.
 I like to set goals and stay persistent to achieve them.

Kinh nghiệm

Tên công ty: Hòa Phú JSC
Vị trí công việc: Marketing Executive
Ngành nghề: Construction
Thời gian bắt đầu: 2013
Thời gian kết thúc: 2014
Mô tả công việc:
During the time working in Hoa Phu JSC, I was mainly assigned to build up Hoa Phu JSC brand’s image. Here are some tasks have been done:
- Redesign and develop Hoa Phu website (
- Set up marketing plans for two main products which are an Industrial park situated in Cu Chi and Miniral water with the expected sales 1.5 billion for 81.000 bottles of water in the first year
- Assist for General Manager as a translator for every meeting with foreingers.
- Set up the booth for Hoa Phu JSC in Vietnam International Supporting Industries Exhibition 2014. And also attend to be the representative for Hoa Phu in Korea’s KINTEX Exhibition.

Lý do thôi việc: Looking for new challenge.
Tên công ty: Choi Giang JSC
Vị trí công việc: Marketing Executive
Ngành nghề: Food and Beverage
Thời gian bắt đầu: 2012
Thời gian kết thúc: 2013
Mô tả công việc:
Choi Giang Joint Stock Company is operating their business in two different fields including Food & Beverage and Flower Retailing.
.Be responsible for every marketing activities for both brand names Kampung Style Café and Sunflowers & Gifts including viral marketing and direct marketing:
- Render viral marketing such as building up, managing, and developing social network for both brand names through the company’s fanpages and other forums such as Me va Be, Foody, AmThuc365, Diadiemanuong….
- Create and execute the events to increase customers’ awareness and push up sales for both brand names by small events like Wishing You a Happy Day (giving sunflowers and vouchers for the first 50 people we meet in District 1)
- Recruit and contact musical bands for every acoustic music events (during the time I worked here, there were 3 nights of music carried out in every week)
- Design posters and vouchers.
- Copy-writer. ( Writting the news for journals and composing the stories for Kampung Style Café, about their history, and food)
Tên công ty: Yantv
Vị trí công việc: Internship
Ngành nghề: Entertainment
Thời gian bắt đầu: 2012
Thời gian kết thúc: 2012
Mô tả công việc:
During working at Yantv, I am assigned to deal with digital marketing, my responsibilities are:
• Promote products, services, activities and events of Yantv ( writing the news and help team to brainstorm the idea how to run a new event)
• Maintaining and developing forum’s activities ( posting and replying new thread related to Yantv in famous forums)
• Planning to build up and categorize customers’ database as well as setting up the contests to support for those activities ( I contributed for approximately 10.000 customers database with more than 70% active database through digging in facebook accounts.)
• Generating, analyzing, reporting compiling reach for channel, show and activities.

Trình độ tin học: I can effectively use all of common Office Tools such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and so forth...

Ngoại ngữ: English - Tiếng Anh

Tốt nghiệp tại trường: Đại học Ngân Hàng TP HCM

Tốt nghiệp năm: 2012 (Giỏi)

Ngành học: Business Administration

Trình độ học vấn: Đại học

Địa điểm làm việc: TP. HCM

Mức lương: 7 – 10 triệu

Số năm kinh nghiệm: 2 năm

Tuổi: 27

Ngành nghề: Marketing PR

Tình trạng hôn nhân: Độc thân

Ngày làm mới: 20/03/2014


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