Người tìm việc Marketing Staff Nguyễn Xuân Như Quỳnh

Họ tên: Nguyễn Xuân Như Quỳnh

Giới tính: Nữ

Ngày sinh: 01/01/1991

Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

I am seeking for a Marketing position in FMCG industry. I am eager to learn and apply my knowledge more and more in Marketing, to advance my skills and career in this field.

Hình thức làm việc: Toàn thời gian cố định

Cấp bậc mong muốn: Nhân viên

Vị trí mong muốn: Marketing Staff

Các kỹ năng

• Language (English) : upper intermediate
• Computer literacy : Good at Microsoft Office Applications, Adobe Photoshop
• Professional skills :
- Creative, proactive, independent, well-organized, hard - working, responsible and flexible.
- Eager to learn the business and apply the knowledge.
- Proficient in spoken and written English.
- Develop a sense of ownership and passion for work on assignment.
- Good team-work spirit.

Kinh nghiệm

Job Title: Marketing Operator
Time: Sep 2013 - Dec 2014
Key Responsibilities:
1. In general:
To execute the marketing plan related to advertising, PR, marketing collaterals , event organization.
2. In details:
- Plan and select the most effective advertising media (traditional/online ads, outdoor ads) for long term (a year) and short term (for each promotion campaign), execute and monitor the effectiveness of the plan.
- Research and suggest the marketing initiatives directly to the Marketing Manager.
- Propose Marketing Manager and partners/clients (All Nippon Airways, United Airways, Hong Kong Airlines) suitable marketing schemes including advertising, PR, event organization; control the expense within the budget.¬¬
- Be responsible for contacting the Department of Tourism of Ho Chi Minh City; preparing papers to join local and national contests of Tourism Industry
- Brainstorm and transform the idea into words for advertisements on magazines, newspapers and websites, facebook and SMS marketing.
- Write press release and calling around to make it public.
- Build the relationship with media and advertising agencies, keep these contact profiles updated.
- Work with the suppliers to produce Marketing materials for POS, such as leaflets, standee, wobblers…; budget control to minimize cost while maximizing quality.
- Search and build the partnership relationship with banks, restaurants, ecommerce websites, supermarkets or advertising/media companies to approach new customers.

Company : HUE BREWERY - a market leader in Central of Vietnam with the strong local brand - Huda beer
Job Title: Marketing Internship
Time: Dec 2012 - May 2013
Key Responsibilities:
- Support marketing staffs (trade marketing and branding marketing department) to conduct market surveys, including figuring out customers’ opinions on product, price, place, promotion; and how customers recognize the brand of Huda Beer in a TV program.
- Assist the Brand Executive to write advertisements on poster, TV ads, facebook of the promotion campaign called “Open Festival, get joy”
- Lead and coordinate with other internship members to fulfill all the tasks from Marketing Executive, especially a big event of Huda beer attracted more than 3000 people.
- Other office tasks

Trình độ tin học: Good

Ngoại ngữ: English - Tiếng Anh

Tốt nghiệp tại trường: Đại học Đà Nẵng - Đại học Kinh tế

Tốt nghiệp năm: 2013 (Khá)

Ngành học: Marketing

Trình độ học vấn: Đại học

Địa điểm làm việc: TP. HCM
Bình Dương

Mức lương: 5 - 7 triệu

Số năm kinh nghiệm: 1 năm

Tuổi: 24

Ngành nghề: Marketing PR

Tình trạng hôn nhân: Độc thân

Ngày làm mới: 03/01/2014


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