Người tìm việc QC-QA manager/Leader Nguyễn Văn Tùng

Họ tên: Nguyễn Văn Tùng

Giới tính: Nam

Ngày sinh: 15/07/1986

Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

- In 3 years' time, my goal is to become a professional Leader in QC/QA field. In order to reach my goal, I will constanly enrich my knowledge and sharpen professional skills, especially by means of trainng courses from your company/corporation. I hope that through my performance in both training courses and at work, your company/corporation will recognize my achievements as well as consider challenging me in higher positions.

- I want to work in a professional, competitve environment where I can find many opportunities to advance myself.

Hình thức làm việc: Toàn thời gian cố định

Cấp bậc mong muốn: Trưởng/Phó phòng

Vị trí mong muốn: QC-QA manager/Leader

Các kỹ năng

Degree in Thai Nguyen University of Technology as an Electrical Engineer

- Relationship Management and negotiation skill

- Meeting organization and presentation skill

- QC management: control manpower, Make working instruction, Jig instruction & train Operators, make production plan, monitor and adjust production plan based on actual progress, analysis data and make QC report (daily, monthly, yearly report, failure report…).

- Good knowledge about P-D-C-A procedure for improvement production system continuously.

- Problem solving skill

- Group-working skill

- Good communication and negotiation with colleague

- Using computer so well (Microsoft Office, ERP).

- Independent working, working under high pressure, team -working.

- Knowledge of ISO, Safety and Environment protection rules.

- Reaction with complicated situation and ability to learn quickly.

- Good at 5S and training about them

Kinh nghiệm

Tên công ty: ATH
Vị trí công việc: QC Leader/Manager
Ngành nghề: QC
Thời gian bắt đầu: 2008
Mô tả công việc: Main responsibility as below:

+ Make working instruction, jig instruction and train operator.

+ Design IQC quality record forms.

+ Make sure the product is meeting the level of quality demanded by the customer. Investigate the roots cause if quality has trouble and take countermeasure.

+ Feedback defect to Supplier, Maker for improvement (issue C.A.R…). Receive improvement action from Vendor judgment and monitor effective of their improvement action

+ Control 4M to ensure output and quality.

+ Drive Supplier/Maker to ensure quality for incoming parts

+ Drive Production to ensure quality for outgoing products.

+ Improve skill for operator and productivity of IQC/OQC

+ Control line return parts to have corrective action

+ Control return Product from Headquarters in Japan & Customers

to have suitable countermeasure to avoid the defect for next Production Lot

& send countermeasure to them on due date

+ Make check sheet to observe execution of countermeasure which given out

+ Make instruction manual.

+ Make and monitor Quality/Environment Objective and Policy by monthly,


+ Make monthly reports

+ Make failure report to Supplier, Maker, to Production to improve quality matter

+ Train Operator regularly once every 2 weeks about QC skill

+ Control man-power.

+ Monitor production progress and adjust production planning.
+ Analysis production data: productivity, reject product, unbalance of processes.

+ Implement and monitor production system following PDCA procedure.

+ Responsible for improvement continuously about productivity and quality

Mức lương: 7.500.000

Ngoại ngữ: English - Tiếng Anh

Tốt nghiệp tại trường: ĐH Thái Nguyên - ĐH Kỹ Thuật Công Nghiệp

Tốt nghiệp năm: 2012 (Trung bình khá)

Ngành học: Automation for Industrial Enterprise (Điện tự động hóa xí nghiệp công nghiệp)

Trình độ học vấn: Đại học

Địa điểm làm việc: Hải Phòng

Mức lương: 10 – 15 triệu

Số năm kinh nghiệm: Hơn 5 năm

Tuổi: 29

Ngành nghề: Ngành nghề khác

Tình trạng hôn nhân: Độc thân

Ngày làm mới: 02/04/2014


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