Người tìm việc Quản lý tòa nhà, chung cư Mai Song Hiếu

Họ tên: Mai Song Hiếu

Giới tính: Nam

Ngày sinh: 10/10/1980

Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

1. Good manager of Building Manangement

Hình thức làm việc: Toàn thời gian cố định

Cấp bậc mong muốn: Trưởng/Phó phòng

Vị trí mong muốn: Quản lý tòa nhà, chung cư

Các kỹ năng

1.Softwares (if any)
Office (word, excel, power point…), internet, email.
Building estimationM&E (Buildings, workshops, residential areas, villas).
Illuminating design (Dulux, Luxicol).
Electric design (Ecodial, Doxwin).
Management of elevator cards
Management of smart parking Mobiparking.

2.Other Skills
Managing, executiving building
Ability to work under high pressure
Ability to work individually, work in group
Ability to drafting texts
Selling and negotiating with customers
Drafting contracts `

Kinh nghiệm

Company's name
Renaissance Riveside Hotel Sai Gon ( 5-star hotel) 01 Tôn Đức Thắng street, District 1, HCMC
Position, detailed tasks:
Restaurant Supervisor
1, Designing business plan and activities of restaurant
2, Organizing, supervising restaurant's tasks
3,Training staff's skills, supervising restaurant's activities
4, Organizing meetings to learn from expreriences, deploy, synthetize, acquire customer's feedbacks and care customers
5,Managing assets, equipments, tools, inventing of assets, ensuring food hygiene
6,Ensuring fire prevention
7,Reporting restaurant's business activites
8,Implementing guided tasks by Board of Management
2007- 2010
Company's name : White Palace wedding convention 194, Hoàng Văn Thụ street , Phú Nhuận ward, HCMC
Position, detailed tasks
Restaurant Manager
1, Recruiting, training chiefs of key departments of restaurant
2, Designing traning plan in serving party, convention process to staff
3, Co-ordinating to Sale Department in proposing business and marketing plans effcetively
4, Having a thorough outstanding of business policies, regulations , guideline of company, creating to apply and solve tasks effectively
5, Co-ordinating to chef to create menu
6,Managing, supervising serving-customer process
7, Creating skills, situations to solve customer's complaints
8, Managing, supervising, executing activities, being responsible to management list assigned by Board of Directors
9, Executing, managing staff in banquet halls reasonbly
10, Being in charge of reporting activities and proposing ideas in periodical meetings…

Company's name : Sunrise city
Position, detailed tasks
Building Assistant Manager
1, Being responsible in supervising activities, items of construction contractor, ensuring security of building
2, Establishing rules, regulation ,forms and executive process
3., ensuring fire prevention, security 24/24h, good hygiene
4, Managing reception staff, caring customers whole-hearted, being friendly and professional, serving and answering customers' questions
5, Supporting Technical Department, designing management forms, guaranting and maintaining according to process, ensuring tools, equipments run well
6, Managing equipments, file management process, book of storing customers's databases
7, Managing, establishing plan of operating Departments directly : Administration and Human Resource Department, Customer Care Department, Techinical Department, Security Department, Hygiene Department…
8, Designing plan of minimizing investor's costs and loss
9, Reporting weekly, monthly, yearly tasks
10, Making relationships with local authorities
11, Implementing tasks assinged by Board of Directors

2013- 2014

Company's name
The CRA Town, 15 B street, Phú Mỹ Ward, District 7, HCMC
Position, detailed tasks
Building Manager
1, Being responsible in supervising activities, items of construction contractor, ensuring security of building
2, Establishing rules, regulation ,forms and executive process
3., ensuring fire prevention, security 24/24h, good hygiene
4, Managing reception staff, caring customers whole-hearted, being friendly and professional, serving and answering customers' questions
5, Supporting Technical Department, designing management forms, guaranting and maintaining according to process, ensuring tools, equipments run well
6, Managing equipments, file management process, book of storing customers's databases
7, Managing, establishing plan of operating Departments directly : Administration and Human Resource Department, Customer Care Department, Techinical Department, Security Department, Hygiene Department…
8, Designing plan of minimizing investor's costs and loss
9, Reporting weekly, monthly, yearly tasks
10, Making relationships with local authorities
11, Implementing tasks assinged by Board of Directors

Các bằng cấp/ chứng chỉ khác

2004-2004 Education and Training Department of HCMC (Informatics) 2013-2013 Leadership and Management Science of Research Institute (Apartment Management ) 2013-2013 Leadership and Management Science of Research Institute

Trình độ tin học: 2000-2004 Hoa Sen University (Business Management )
2005-2007 Khoi Viet (Hospitality Management)

Ngoại ngữ: English - Tiếng Anh

Tốt nghiệp tại trường: Đại học Hoa Sen


Trình độ học vấn: Đại học

Địa điểm làm việc: TP. HCM

Mức lương: 10 – 15 triệu

Số năm kinh nghiệm: Hơn 5 năm

Tuổi: 35

Ngành nghề: Du lịch

Tình trạng hôn nhân: Độc thân

Ngày làm mới: 13/04/2014


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