Plugin jQuery: Interact.js : Javascript drag and drop, resizing and gestures Library

Interact.js : Javascript drag and drop, resizing and gestures Library

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Interact.js : Javascript drag and drop, resizing and gestures Library

Interact.js is a powerful, flexible, snappable drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures for modern browsers (and also IE8+) javascript library.


  • snapping to a grid, custom anchors or paths.
  • cross browser and device, supporting {Chrome,Firefox,Opera}’ ‘{mobile,desktop}’, ‘ and Internet Explorer 8+
  • interaction with SVG elements
  • being standalone (not yet another jQuery plugin)
  • introducing 0 additional DOM elements
  • having(a). fluent ().interface
  • not modifying anything it doesn’t own (except to support IE8 and to change the cursor (but you can disable that))

Demos : Demo 1 Demo 2 Demo 3 Demo 4


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