Plugin jQuery: SocialCount : jQuery Plugin for Lighter Social Networking Widgets

SocialCount : jQuery Plugin for Lighter Social Networking Widgets
x, , Plugins, , Web

Nội dung

SocialCount : jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets

Simple barebones project to show share counts from various social networks.SocialCount is a small jQuery plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets.

  • Currently supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.
  • 2.93KB (after Min+GZip) or 4.18KB/4.72KB with SD/HD icons (compared to 309KB up front empty-cache pageload cost for Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus widgets)
  • Easy to fit in with existing page design
  • Ability to share without JavaScript or before JavaScript has loaded.
  • Works with mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard.
    • Mouse: On hover, loads a social network’s native widget so that the user can Like/Recommend/+1 without leaving the current page.
    • Touch screen: simple redirects to dedicated network share pages.
    • Keyboard: Concise tab order.
  • Option to conditionally display count if it’s above a minimum threshold. Avoid goose egg ghost-town.
  • Intelligent client-side caching so that two or more widgets with the same share URL only make one AJAX request.
Tags: Lazy Load, Progress Bar, Social Share


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