MLA Style Research Paper based on the 7 ed. of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Created Nov 10, 2009. Your name Professor Course name Date John Smith Professor Williams American Studies 104 14 March 2008 Title is centered Found Voices: Carl Sagan th Your last name, and page # on upper right corner of each page ½ inch from top border. Smith 1 Use Times New Roman 12 pt. or similar easy to read font. Carl Sagan was perhaps one of the most influential scientific minds Double space entire paper Indent 1 inch from left border that the world has ever experienced. When he learned that stars were actually extremely distant suns, his world was changed and the magnitude of the universe opened up to him. Another strong motivator into science came with his reading of a popular science fiction book of the time, The Burroughs Tales. The stories were not extremely sound scientifically, but still presented ideals of adventure and the unknown.