Tác giả : Doris Chen Ph.D. • Value and Method Binding • Managed Beans • Navigation, Request Processing Lifecycle Background • Building AJAX based applications could be easier? • Classic computer science answer: encapsulation - Hide functionality behind simple building blocks - Provide a framework for assembling complicated things out of simple things - Embed the encapsulations inside development tools that can do some of the grunt work • In this talk, we will examine using JavaServer Faces to encapsulate AJAX technologies - But first, we need to understand what JavaServer Faces (JSF) is all about ... User Interface Components • Contains the current state of a component: - Visual appearance characteristics - Bindings to model tier data and event handlers • Implemented as a classic JavaBean: - Properties - state characteristics - Methods - encapsulated behavior exposed to apps - Events - respond to UI related events • Composed into a component tree per logical view - Single "view root" component - Arbitrary levels of nesting for child components