Đạo diễn: Takashi Shimizu Kịch bản: Takashi Shimizu and Stephen Susco Các diễn viên chính: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jason Behr, William Mapother, Clea DuVall, Grace Zabrislie Thể loại: Horror, mystery, thriller. Kịch bản INT. PETER & MARIA’S BEDROOM - DAY 1 FADE IN on MARIA (late 20s), asleep in bed. She’s breathtakingly beautiful. Morning light fills the room. The sound of wind, and rippling cloth. Maria stirs, and opens her eyes. She stretches contentedly. Then she frowns. Rolls over. She’s alone in the bed? No, she’s not: PETER (20s) sits on the edge, his back to her. Two fresh, steaming mugs of coffee sit on a tray near him. MARIA Hey. Are you okay? Peter doesn’t turn. He slowly stands and walks forward towards an OPEN WINDOW. There’s something strange about the way he moves -- stiffly, almost jerkily, straining his joints and muscles. Maria gets out of bed, concerned. MARIA Peter? What’s the matter?