Tin tức: Các cụm từ hữu ích liên quan đến tiền

Các cụm từ hữu ích liên quan đến tiền

Nội dung

Bạn có thể miêu tả về khoản tiết kiệm, một công việc dễ kiếm tiền với những cụm từ thú vị dưới đây.
Balance the books  make sure all money is accounted for Example: I had to stay at work for an extra two hours last night balancing the books Bring home the bacon  earn money to support your family Example: Now that she had a job, Patricia could bring home the bacon.

Balance the books - make sure all money is accounted for

Example: I had to stay at work for an extra two hours last night balancing the books

Bring home the bacon - earn money to support your family

Example: Now that she had a job, Patricia could bring home the bacon.

Bản dịch

Go Dutch  split a bill equally Example: How about dinner tonight? Well go Dutch, okay?  Gravy train  a job which pays a lot of money for little effort Example: This kind of job is a real gravy train.

Go Dutch - split a bill equally

Example: How about dinner tonight? We’ll go Dutch, okay?

Gravy train - a job which pays a lot of money for little effort

Example: This kind of job is a real gravy train.

Bản dịch

Nest egg  money that has been saved up Example: I lost most of my nest egg in the market crash. Cook the books  dishonest accounting Example: One of the directors had been cooking the books and the firm had been losing money for years.

Nest egg - money that has been saved up

Example: I lost most of my nest egg in the market crash.

Cook the books - dishonest accounting

Example: One of the directors had been cooking the books and the firm had been losing money for years.

Bản dịch

Golden handshake  a payment made to a departing employee Example: The manager got early retirement and a £600,000 golden handshake when the company was restructured. Cheapskate  a person who will not spend much money. Example: My dad's such a cheapskate that he cuts his hair himself.

Golden handshake - a payment made to a departing employee

Example: The manager got early retirement and a £600,000 golden handshake when the company was restructured.

Cheapskate - a person who will not spend much money.

Example: My dad's such a cheapskate that he cuts his hair himself.

Bản dịch

Y Vân (theo International Kaplan Colleges)

Bạn có thể miêu tả về khoản tiết kiệm, một công việc dễ kiếm tiền với những cụm từ thú vị dưới đây.

Nguồn: vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/giao-duc/hoc-tieng-anh/cac-cum-tu-huu-ich-lien-quan-den-tien-3308242.html

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