Fortune Innovations Training Co., Ltd. is an International Training and Consulting firm in Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. We are expanding our business to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. We are currently recruiting people with good working habits and strong desire to work with us to prepare for the completion of ASEAN Economy Community in 2015.
Our main business is as below:
1. Operate and provide services as consultant, agent, to source and administrate (manage) all kinds of Information Technology, including, but limited to, Internet Communication, Mobile Phone Communication, and Electronic Commerce.
2. To carry on the business of providing Training Programs and Courses of Business Administration, Management, and Career Management, Languages, Academic Subjects, Vocational Skills, either Alone or in Conjunction with other Individuals, Institutions, or Companies and providing Training Programs and Courses related thereto.
3. To present Seminars or other Public Discussions on Business Administration, Management, Commerce, Industry, Career Management, Sports, Sports Management, Coaching, Fitness, Wellness, Nutrition, and related subjects.
4. To provide Consultancy services concerning Business Administration, Management, Commerce, Industry, Marketing and Distribution of Goods, Career Management, Sports, Sports Management, Coaching, Fitness Training, Health and Recreation.
5. To provide the services of Collecting, Compiling, Preparing, Publishing and
Distributing Statics, Data and Information concerning Commerce, Industry, Finance, Health, Sports, Fitness and Recreation.
6. Operate and provide services as consultant, agent, to source and administrate (manage) all kinds of Human Resources, Domestic and International, including, but limited to Recruitment, Training, and Job (Business) Opportunities.
7. To operate the business of Health Centers, Fitness Centers, Fitness-Training Centers, Spas, Yoga-Training Centers, Sport Clubs, Sauna & Jacuzz
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