Đóng góp: そう、きっとそうだよ。
So, it is definitely so.
なくして haven't really lost it.
僕のがち っと遠 just in the back of my mind.
そう、 っと it is definitely so.
悲しいな don't really speak of sadness.
今し ないっても now I know it's completely gone.
窓の外 の空は sky outside the window will always be this way,
静かなこ の目 eyes peacefully gaze at it.
青い森の と evenings in Aomori are now also this way,
どこか遠 くを just gaze upon some distant place.
クリ マス今夜 this Christmas night on, we
ゆきかう 待 quickly passed by our coming and going expectations,
ク リスマスその in all of those days of Christmas,
向き 合う未来を avoided our unwanted future, though,
そんな にま don't clearly see all of
はっきり見 てる still to come, but
こんな僕 me, the things I need to do,
これしか いっ me feel like I have no other choice but to do them.
そう、 きっと it is definitely so.
笑われた て ok to be laughed at.
あの人だ てそ suppose even that person would have said the same?
そう、 っと it is definitely so.
夢見てた て ok to have passing dreams.
わがま まなんて suppose they've already passed a long time ago?
窓の外 僕 look at the sky outside the window,
青い森 をまた thinking about Aomori.
僕は空 にひとりな the fact I'm alone, for some reason,
どこか 遠くを just gaze at some distant place in the sky.
クリス ス今夜 this Christmas night on, we
ゆきかう 待 quickly passed by our coming and going expectations,
ク リスマスそん uneasiness anytime during Christmas
過ぎ る時代 buried away in time as it passes,
ホント はまだ reality still remains with everyone,
ゆっ り歩いて want to tread slowly, however,
こん 僕が I can change in such a condition,
今し かないって it feels like I have no choice but to do so.
こんな僕 言 things said to me in this condition,
そん なに大事なこ so very important things, but
こんな僕 I can change in such a condition,
今し かな
Now it feels like I have no choice but to do so.