Quan Thục Di 花鸟/ Đảo Hoa

Đóng góp: 小鸟 山水画中舞弄
化出了感情 渗进了激动

卧游哉透明云山 超现实浪漫
不受约束的自由 五彩斑斓

飞呀飞 在眼花缭乱的天下
飘呀飘 一个人飘零天涯
流呀流 让泪像水彩流下
哎呀呀 爱风景中溶化
随意 呼吸着 清雅

孤寂里 看到了 黑暗的墨彩
飞呀飞呀 飞过了无奈
红 翅膀上油彩
灌溉 翡翠色青苔
孤 寂里我看到 is full of life
lobeliness itself is full of life

Wait up 黑暗的墨彩
Even loneliness is full of life
loneliness is full of life
Even loneliness is full of life
lobeliness itself is full of life
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/Dao-Hoa-Quan-Thuc-Di/ZWZAOO79.html

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