Nông Phu Good People

Đóng góp: 世界真細小 有好多野真搞笑
怕人教壞你個仔 自己教識佢點 睇睇
封面嘅標題負能量 等佢大個有樣學樣
又話鍾意小動物 為隻狗做乜都
但系每 做一套 小朋友跟住做
你點樣怪人地教壞細路 點解釋到 明天會更好
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺邊度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
我地搞笑到 但系佢車都有 部
有人話最 屋企人 一個禮拜冇開過飯
你開始喊 轉頭埋單 又買左幾千銀衫
個個都諗 個個都咁 個個都好想問
你 all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺邊度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no

Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺邊度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺邊度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺邊度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/Good-People-Nong-Phu/ZW6WF9FF.html

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