Carcass Pungent Excruciation (Flesh Ripping Sonic Torment Demo)

Đóng góp: Sanguinary disinterment
Necrob iotic rash
Gnawing, throbbing anguish
The gullet is now mashed
Pungent excruciation
Flesh mummified by lice
Amputated contusion
Help yourself to a slice...

Contamin ation...
Strangulat ion...
Mutilation.. .

Gangrenous abscesses
Paralysis sets in
More carnage and bloodshed
And the reek of molten skin
Frenzied detruncation
Dispep tic, charred and black
Terminal putrescence
Psychot ics carve and hack

Osteoporous enzymes release deadly secretions
As the clotted parasites devour the excretion
Emanation , suppuration - blood starts to gush
My nocturnal dysentry is unleashed on this mush

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