Elvis Costello We Ought To Be Ashamed

Đóng góp: We oughta be ashamed

We oughta be ashamed

We use and abuse such a wonderful name

See the blooming of the flowers

When the spring first appears

Hear the crying of the baby

In its first tender years

Watch the flight of the robin

When he knows winter's through

And the One who made that robin

Is somewhere watching you

So we oughta be ashamed

We oughta be ashamed

We use and abuse such a wonderful name

Look at the beauty that's all around us

From California to Maine

Then we think how we mistreat it

Oh we oughta be ashamed

Watch the people pass the beggar

On the street as he cries

"Pencils for a nickel"

Still they pass him by

See the rich man with all his money

Ah, but still he complains

Smell the flowing of all the whiskey

Lord, we oughta be ashamed

We oughta be ashamed

We oughta be ashamed

We use and abuse such a wonderful name

And the beauty's all around us

From California to Maine

Oh, we think how He's mistreated

We oughta be ashamed

And think how we mistreat Him

Lord, we oughta be ashamed
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/We-Ought-To-Be-Ashamed-Johnny-Cash-Elvis-Costello/ZWZA9OAO.html

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