Avian is clean, flexible, multipurpose, ecommerce compatible with the most beautiful design you will ever see. It is built with the latest technology and trends and can be used on a huge variety of websites. WordPress themes have never been this amazing!
Avian allows you to customize every aspect giving you complete control and also comes with free support & updates for complete peace of mind.
Version 1.2 – 23rd Feb 2014
# ADDED Logo carousel element. # ADDED Feature timeline element. # ADDED Counters element. # IMPROVED sticky header. # Fixed issue where widgets weren't being styled in single posts and categories # Fixed issue where typography options weren't applying to all elements. # Fixed issue where progress bar colours weren't applying
Version 1.1.3 – 4th Feb 2014
# ADDED Unlimited sidebars. # ADDED option to change the Back to portfolio link in single portfolio posts. # ADDED option to link team images to a page. # Fixed issue where menu would display incorrectly in mobile version. # Fixed issue where comment button wouldn't change to theme colour.
Version 1.1.2 – 30th Jan 2014
# Fixed styling issue with blog title overlapping post icons when title is too long. # Fixed issue where options wont appear for contact bar when Rainbow bar + Contact bar option is selected. # Fixed issue where excerpt won't display in blog pages. # Fixed issue where image overlay settings won't apply in some post formats. # Fixed theme colour issue where some elements won't change to new theme colour.
Version 1.1.1 – 27th Jan 2014
# Fixed issue with some fields not displaying in Visual Composer. # Fixed issue with lightbox not working in blog. (Thanks DA6DOD). # Fixed issue with portfolio hover buttons not being set to theme colour. (Thanks DA6DOD).
Version 1.1 – 27th Jan 2014
# NEW FEATURE: A wider (1170px) layout option. # NEW FEATURE: Added styling options for sub-menus. They can now be changed to white or any other colour # NEW FEATURE: Added a full screen portfolio. # NEW FEATURE: You can now use both the rainbow bar and contact bar. # Fixed issue with some colours not changing to custom theme colour # Fixed custom css field not applying the styles. # Fixed styling bug where footer extends to full width on boxed layout in search page # Fixed issue where widgets don't display in blog.
All demo images are for demonstration purposes and are not included with the theme.
Polygon background slider images by mamounalbibi
Portfolio images by Meg Robichaud, Roman Jusdado, Andrey Gordeev