Flatmail is a “Flat style” and minimalist email templates. Flatmail is mobile friendly (responsive) packed with many variations of modules or layout that you can re-mix to create your own stunning email campaign easily. Flatmail comes in 5 different color schemes, that you can very easy to apply your own scheme. Flatmail also ready-to-use for MailChimp and CampaignMonitor with their powerful editor (check video).
CLICK HERE TO SEE DEMO Click the color to see the demo
5 Stars man! (I didn’t just type it.. I actually rated it)
I just have to say that these templates are awesome. Purchasing this was so worth it. The functionality is great and the layout’s and everything.
Pre and or after-sale questions, feel free to contact me directly via this contact form!
Update 1.3 - October 24, 2013 - Major codes update for browser compatibility and mobile responsive target