Theme Features Fully Responsive (with option to disable it). Retina Ready. WordPress 3.8 Ready. Contact Form 7 Ready. 3 Differents Layouts . Review built-in. SEO Optimized. Clean Code. HomePage featured posts ( Recent, Most commented, Most viewed, Review ). About US Section fully customizable. Built with HTML5 & CSS3. Custom Post Color. +20 Custom Widgets +30 Shortcodes 4 Page templates Views Counter. Two Menu locations (header & footer). Sticky Header ( optional ). Post Format Support (Standard, Image, Gallery, Link, Video, Audio, Quote, Status). Social status embed Video and audio embed Easy to customize colors and fonts. Ultimate colors with 9 Predefined Colors. +600 Google WebFonts . Translation Ready (.po and .mo files included). RTL Support. Lots of Predefined Patterns. Custom background with full screen background option. Ultimate sidebars . Sidebar layouts (Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar, Full Width) Social media users profiles Support . Breadcrumb navigation ( optional). Related posts ( by category , tag or author ). Two Pagination type (Infinite scroll, Numeric pagination). Easily adding Google analytics . Custom logo . Custom Favicon . Custom Gravatar. Custom css. Lots of Social icons. Free Livetime update and support. Update notifier. Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome. Theme comes with a detailed documentation. Demo content included. Changelog Version 1.0.1 - 12-05-2014 - Improved: ShortCodes. - Improved: Google Map Shortcode. - Fixed: Some CSS bugs. - Fixed: Flickr Shortcode. - Added: Option choose the character sets. ---------------------------- Version 1.0.0 - First release Sources Credits jQuery tipsy plugin Isotope Magnific Popup Html5Shiv selectivizr Flexslider jQuery placeholder matchMedia.js jquery.nicescroll FitVids.js Infinite Scroll Retina.js Chosen Google Webfonts Subtle Patterns Documenter icons font Flickr Photos (Not included in the download package): mark sebastian
Pratico is a Responsive, modern and professional WordPress blog theme. It’s very flexible and fully customizable.
Pratico give you full control to modify and customize styling, layouts, colors… Also this theme has three layouts, 23 custom widgets, +30 shortcodes, 9 post formats, awesome theme options panel and so much more features…