Real Property is a Responsive Real estate WordPress Theme for full-feature real estate website and Portal. It has nice & clean design and it adds special integration features like property info, photos, Advanced Search, Google Map with property location markers, simple grid listing, agent login & register, front end property submit & edit, dsIDXpress IDX Plugin support, WPML plugin support, custom widgets, Widgetized Sidebars, numerous templates, visual short-code builder, easy theme options,multiple gallery and blog page designs, easy to use meta-boxes and much more…
Choose from 20 Flat colors variations, 15 background patterns, 5 header set-ups and boxed or full width version. It’s gives unlimited color, font and layout combinations to build an ultimate portal!
Advanced Property Search — Real Property Theme supports numerous search fields. Search fields can be added and removed from theme options. You can customize the fields for Sale and Rent!
Front End Property Submission & Edit — Real Property Theme provides Front End Property Submit feature. A user can view his submitted properties and later on modify the property info, if required.
Short code builder – Home and any page can have different layouts and with one click visual shortcode builder you can bring tons of layout possibilities. Descriptive and design components such as a features lists, carousels, testimonials, pricing table, accordion, tabs, buttons, quote, icons, divides, toggle, progress bars, fancy box and many more are included…
Extensive Theme Options — Real Property theme option covers almost every element in the theme so its very easy for you to configure and modify the things around your website.
Responsive Layout — All Pages are 100% Fully Responsive. So, it looks awesome on big screens as well as on smart phones and tablets.
SEO — Fully hand coded, semantic and written to bring good ranking on search engines. The theme has good use of h1,h2,h3 tags. Given priority to Content hierarchy in the mark-up. Famous Allin one SEO and Yoast plugin Compatible.
WPML Compatible / Localisation / Multilingual — Real Property Theme is loaded with WPML compatibility. You can create your site in multiple languages. .po and .mo files are included in the download pack.
2014.04.08 – version 1.0
* First release!
2014.04.12 – version 1.1
* We have updated the theme name to Real Property
2014.04.23 – version 1.2
* Added Grid / List View option for properties * Added Print option for property * Added Property slider Shortcode * You can set Property search below the slider * Now compatible with WordPress 3.9 * Now you can set marker icon for individual property type * Fixed header design issue in boxed version * Added 10 more patterns for boxed version * Fixed Portfolio hover effect for touch devices
2014.05.15 – version 1.3
* Compatible with WordPress 3.9 * Added Membership option using s2member plugin. * A property can be assigned to multiple agents of a agency * You can easily customize header and footer styles * Unlimited skin options available2014.08.05 – version 1.4
* Now you can alter phone number at the top bar * Added option for enable / disable top bar * Added Property search widget * Added drag and drop option in front end property submission module * Updated main stylesheet * Slider plugins updated