RoadRunners is a single-page music theme for WordPress. You can use it to store, update, and display information on upcomming gigs and artists. With its sleek, flat design and unique effects, its sure to impress your visitors! This theme is useful if you want to show off your musical talent as a musician, band, or artist. It’s also useful for Music companies to keep tabs on all of their Artists and Events.
Please note that all of the images used in the Demo site are NOT included within the download package. These can be purchased individually from Photodune.
Changelog V1.0.5 - Fixed: Prevent horizontal scroll bar from appearing on narrow screen sizes - Fixed: Layout breaking when there are less than five events showing on the homepage - Fixed: Sub page header images are now handled via the Theme Options due to a conflict (URLs weren't saving) - Improvement: Event dates now use the date format specified under Settings > General - Improvement: Events are now ordered by event date instead of post date - Improvement: IMG tags now allowed in the "About Us" fields - Improvement: Mobile menu retracts after clicking menu links - Improvement: Google Fonts updated - Added: More options in the Theme Settings to change the text on certain labels V1.0.4 - Fixed white space bug in webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari) - Added more layout options for the Homepage V1.0.3 - Fixed a few issues with sticky nav positioning on mobile displays - CSS improvements for mobile displays V1.0.2 - Made the navbar sticky![]()