Mẫu thiết kế web Tasty Crunch - Food Recipe and Restaurant theme

Tasty Crunch is a wordpress theme specially designed for Food Recipe and Restaurant websites. This template is easy to modify and ready to be up and running out of the box.

Nội dung

Tasty Crunch is a wordpress theme specially designed for Food Recipe and Restaurant websites. This template is easy to modify and ready to be up and running out of the box.

  1. Multiple Sliders
  2. Recipe Managment
  3. Gallery Managment
  4. Slider Managment
  5. Sidebar Managment
  6. Powerfull Theme Options + Page Builder

This template comes in 8 pre made color variations. But it will only take one minute to create your desired color schemes by using theme options


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/tasty-crunch-food-recipe-and-restaurant-theme/4409314?WT.oss_phrase=recipe&WT.o...
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