Version 1.5 – Released on 14 April 2014
Version 1.33
Venda is multi-purpose responsive and retina ready Wordpress theme with tons of features and elements to help you build your website in minutes, it’s built the way you love and we promise that you will say “Wow” after purchasing it, the flexibility of the theme will amaze you, with our powerful options panel you can almost turn on or off every feature in the theme and use the features you need to get the most from Venda, and the advanced page builder will make you use your creativity to build any page and give it any look you want. you have unlimited ways to build your website. and everything has been optimised well just for you and your customers.
== Version 1.5 - 14 April 2014 ==================================== - Fixed: Issue with team member when grid set to 4. - Fixed: Paragraph font doesn't change from option panel. - Fixed: Header goes above content. - Fixed: Portfolio filter issue. - Added: Option to set team member grid to 1. - Added: New demo content file added to the package. == Version 1.4 - 02 April 2014 ==================================== - Added: Option to set 3 widgets only in footer. - Added: Option to add image url instead of fontello icon name in service block. - Added: Tooltip for clients logos. - Added: Option to set project number in portfolio page. - Added: Masonry layout for team members. - Fixed: Client logo is linkable even if no client URL. - Fixed: "Search the site" string is now translatable. - Fixed: Google map block title doesn't change. - Fixed: Shortcodes doesn't work in service title. - FIxed: Post time doesn't display in blog post. - Changed: Section title changed to H2 instead of H1. == Version 1.33 - 05 March 2014 ==================================== - Fixed: Revolution slider arrows changed to calendar icons. == Version 1.32 - 05 March 2014 ==================================== - Fixed: Changed Faceook word to Facebook. == Version 1.31 - 05 March 2014 ==================================== - Updated: Fontello icons. - Added: Fontello icons detailed list in the package. == Version 1.3 - 04 March 2014 ==================================== - Fixed: 3rd level menu doesn't work. - Fixed: Project image flash if project gallery has only one image. - Fixed: Can't disable sticky menu. - Fixed: Two logos appear in case you upload a retina logo. == Version 1.21 - 25 Feb 2014 ==================================== - Added: Service icons are now linkable. == Version 1.2 - 25 Feb 2014 ==================================== - Fixed: Sticky menu for mobile view. - Fixed: Site content goes behind sticky menu. - Fixed: Contact icons appear even if no contact info. - Fixed: Site header background doesn't work. - Fixed: Favicon and apple icons doesn't work. - Fixed: Team member mail. - Fixed: Filter team members by tags. - Added: Option to enable or disable page loading icon. - Added: Color switcher. == Version 1.0 ==================================== - Initial Release.