Mẫu thiết kế web WP Residence - Real Estate WordPress Theme

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wpresidence v 1.06

wpresidence v 1.05

WP Residence is designed for Real Estate independent agents and agencies, but you can also allow other people to submit their properties for free, for a fee or based on a monthly subscription.

Membership Subscriptions include the recurring option, and payments are supported by PayPal. You can create unlimited packages, each with an expiration date in x days, weeks, months or years. You select the number of listings and featured listings in each package. Or, you can enable Paid Submission and charge for each submission. This option includes the possibility to ask an extra fee for properties to be featured.

In WP Residence you can create your own custom property fields, and you can add custom Advanced Search spots with your own fields. You can add up to 8 spots Search includes AJAX SEARCH in map, with results opening in the same page or in a new page.

Properties List template includes important AJAX filters by Type, Category, City, Area, Price High to Low, Price Low to High, Featured first and by date next. All these options can be managed from page options in admin.

For header display control, we have designed the theme to give you several options. You can control the global header and select if you wish to show Property Theme Slider, Google Maps,Revolution Slider, static image or no header. Each page allows you to overwrite global options.

For Google Maps, you have control over the map height closed, map height open and whether you wish to allow users to open the map from a user interface. Advanced Search in header has specific display settings too: show or not show, show over slider or just over the map, keep it closed or open by default. Many possibilities, all very easy to manage.

In WP RESIDENCE you will also find Search by Features and Amenities that you control in theme options. We also have Save Search and Email Alerts based on saved searches parameters for registered users.

For clients who wish to list properties from an MLS, we have built support for the dsIDXpress third party plugin, with IDX pins showing on the map from the IDX listings widget (unique feature). This plugin is strictly optional..

Visit http://wpestate.org/ for more information about the theme features, video tutorials, help manual or to contact us for support via the ticket system.

WP Residence Features:

Complete list of features:

wpresidence clients feedback and testimonials

faruqh PURCHASED on WP Residence – Real Estate WordPress Theme
I want to thank you guys for this theme. Very awesome work. We expanded it with Buddypress and Woocommerce and came up with this: http://www.geeksgoneglobal.com/travelgroup/. We were able to launch or tours and excursion site in two weeks. Did some customization, which was made alot easier because of the care taken in how the template was professionally layed out, from the code side to the UX side. The core is solid and saved us an enormous amount of work.

WP RESIDENCE 1.06 – October 22, 2014

 NEW: Price slider for minim and maxim price in Advanced Search. Works with display YES/NO option in Admin. Applies for default and custom Advanced Search fields. Works with AJAX advanced search over Map as well.  NEW: Add Floor Plans for properties in Admin and in Submit Property form in Front End NEW: Print Listing button in Property Page next to Social Share icons NEW: Attach PDF to property in Admin and Front End Submission form NEW: Agree to Terms and Conditions check and page template before registering (in user menu, register widget, register shortcode and register modal box when saving favorite properties) NEW: Assign property to register user from admin - Edit Property NEW: Support jpeg files format in user dashboard - submit page - add media NEW: My Agent page pagination for My Properties   EDIT: Added smaller zoom for Google search over map. Before it was max zoom in possible.  EDIT: Added sub-category display for Category and Action in submission form  EDIT: Revolution Slider update to 4.6.3 EDIT: Hover social icons color assigned to Main Custom Color controlled from admin.  EDIT: Theme Slider doesn't show bedrooms, bathrooms or size if none is selected.  FIX: Edit property in user dashboard removes featured status FIX: Recent Items Slider text alignment in IE FIX: Don't send send saved search email alerts on save in admin theme options FIX: Right post navigation arrow opening a different post FIX: Twitter share link no extra space  FIX: Favorites Link in User Menu when first logging in and accessing the link 

WP RESIDENCE 1.05- September 9, 2014

1.051 revision includes 4.34 version of Visual Composer and no custom scroll, in addition to below features:

 - NEW: Saved Search + Email Alert based on Saved Search parameters. How it works - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/savesearch  - NEW: Spiderfy for pins in the same location on Google Maps - NEW: Sub-categories in Advanced Search, Advanced Search shortcode and Advanced Search widget for custom taxonomies (City, Area, Type, Category) - NEW: Number of properties listed for each category and sub-category listed under custom taxonomies.  - NEW: Sidebar Settings from Theme Options apply for default front end submission properties sidebar settings.  - NEW: pagination for My Properties list in user dashboard.  - EDIT: Recent Items Slider shortcode has navigation arrows on top. - EDIT: link on the entire Featured Property box - EDIT: remove noreply@wpresidence from notifications. Now it's noreply@yourdomain.com - EDIT: Your Message shows in contact box all time (not just on click) - EDIT: responsive design for testimonials - EDIT: Visual Composer v4.3.3 update  - EDIT: Rev Slider v6.0 update - FIX: Latest Listings widget order by date - FIX: Responsive for Blog list with sidebar when manually resizing browser. Responsive for Property List layout.  

WP RESIDENCE 1.04- August 2014

 NEW: Search by Features and Amenities with on/off control in Advanced Search Settings. Admin manages what features and amenities.   NEW: Recent Properties Slider shortcode (filter properties as you wish). Includes option to show just Featured Properties. - Help -  NEW: Created a custom class to have full Width Container for Visual Composer row settings. Class is full_container_over NEW: Google Maps Search address with on/off control in Google Maps Settings EDIT: Added option for Featured Properties only in Recent Items shortcode.  NEW: Breadcrumbs for parent pages. EDIT: Replaced noreply@wpestate.org from 2 places with noreply@yourdomainname EDIT: added new small colors to Main Color, if custom colors are enabled. 

WP RESIDENCE 1.031 – July 21 2014 ( 2 updates were added on July 23)
  *July 23: Fix: Features and amenities not showing on property *July 23 Edit: Header Menu custom color.  NEW: Latest Listings widget updated with filters by City, Area, Category, Type, Featured YES or NO.  NOTE: after update, you will have to go to Widgets and select the filter options (or a warning error will show above the widget) NEW: Receive duplicate emails for all contact forms messages sent to agents/users on property and agent contact forms. The email address that receives duplicates is set in Admin - Theme Options - Social & Contact.  NEW: Checkbox to select all AREAS in Admin - Areas. NEW: Default agent image added in Agent List page.  EDIT: Pagination on Advanced Search keeps search parameters on page 2. EDIT: If no features and amenities are checked, the title doesn't show.  EDIT: Similar Posts, link on the entire thumb, FIX: Save pins for non-latin slugs FIX: Advanced Search AJAX filters for less than 3 / 4 spots filled in. FIX: Filter City by Area in Advanced Search widget, Advanced Search custom fields set to yes. 

WP RESIDENCE 1.03 – July 9 2014

 NEW: WPML functions for custom fields NEW: Fax input in contact page.  EDIT: If Advanced Search is set to No (to not display), it is removed from responsive mode as well EDIT: Active and Hover main menu colors are taken from Main Color, if Custom Colors are activated UPDATE: Submission Form - filter Area by City for Mac Safari, Chrome and Windows IE UPDATE: Properties List filters for non latin languages.  UPDATE: Ajax Filters, Area - includes ALL AREAS option.  UPDATE: Infobox lists titles, not slugs UPDATE: AJAX FILTERS work if there are no actions or no categories set. UPDATE: Added default agent image if no image is set. FIX: "My Listings" opens only in new page.  FIX: Submission form if there are 0 custom fields for property. FIX: Excerpt not showing for properties added in admin. FIX: Advanced Search Fields - bathrooms, min and max price at the same time. FIX: Properties List pagination if Properties List template is set on Homepage.  

WP RESIDENCE 1.02 – June 29, 2014

NOTE: For clients who have 1.01 and upgrade. After upgrade, go to Permalinks, set Default, Save, set custom again and save. We added a new permalink note and this is required.

 NEW: Option NONE for Action and Category in front end submission form. NEW: Zoom control on the map showing with the property slider. NEW: Close Street View button on header map in property page.  EDIT: Visual Composer and Rev Slider latest plugin versions EDIT: Permalink php code edit (because of this, for clients after update, you must follow the above note) EDIT: Contact Email on Property Page includes the property page link in email content. EDIT: Similar Listings are by Category, Action and City (City is new) EDIT: Categories and Actions in front end submission ordered alphabetically. EDIT: Area filters by City in front end submission form.  EDIT: User/Agent email is added automatically to the property contact form.  EDIT: Advanced Search results order (featured first, publish date descending next) EDIT: Optimized some core css images (smaller size) EDIT: Front End submission text updates. EDIT: Compare classes added to compare page elements.  EDIT: Advanced Search title shows all results found, not just those on first page. EDIT: If rooms, bathrooms or size have no value, they don't show in infobox and property unit list.  EDIT: POEDIT translation with missing terms.  EDIT: Compare option clicked for the same property does not duplicate compared item, if it's the same.  FIX: Ipad vertical view, submission login disappearing on click. FIX: Property filters showing slug, not title FIX: Register shortcode and widget error.  FIX: Property custom titles not supporting ' in title.  FIX: Make Featured option in User Dashboard, My Properties FIX: Features and Amenities, Custom Property Fields not saving for properties when Caps letters or non latin characters are added. FIX: Added "MESSAGE SENT" notifications on contact forms, fixed no contact on user form. FIX: small CSS alignments  

WP RESIDENCE 1.0 – initial release June 10 2014


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/wp-residence-real-estate-wordpress-theme/7896392?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_rank=8&W...
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